WSU HBM 235 - Tourism Impacts Continued

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HBM 235 1st Edition Lecture 16 Outline of Last Lecture I Categories of economic impacts continued II Sociocultural Impacts of Tourism Outline of Current Lecture I Environmental Impacts of Tourism Current Lecture Tourism Impacts Continued I Environmental Impacts of Tourism A Tourism is an industry 1 Not a smokestack industry so no environmental impacts 2 Negative Coastal Resorts Sewage runoff 2006 in Hawaii 48 million gallon leak 3 Coastal ecosystems changes to natural ecology 4 Stripping vegetation to make tourist friendly creates erosion 5 Negatives golf course High use of water groundwater depletion Thailand courses each consume nearly 6 500 cubic meters of water each day which is the amount that could be used by 60 000 villagers Physical changes and habitat damage 6 Tourism environmental paradox poorly managed tourism development can destroy that which attracts visitors in the first place B Positive Tourism as impetus for conservation efforts 1 Economic well being depends on healthy tourism industry 2 Healthy tourism industry depends on healthy environment 3 Can lead to environmental education efforts C Reality Not everyone cares about environmental conservation 1 Most people care about 2 Sometimes you have to use as a reason for conservation efforts 3 Environmental attitudes Ecocentric value nature for nature Anthropocentric value nature for benefit to humans

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WSU HBM 235 - Tourism Impacts Continued

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