WSU HBM 235 - Sociocultural and Economic Impacts of Tourism

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HBM 235 1st Edition Lecture 15 Outline of Last Lecture I II Sustainable Tourism Economic Implications of Tourism Outline of Current Lecture I Categories of economic impacts continued II Sociocultural Impacts of Tourism Current Lecture I Categories of economic impacts continued A Increasing foreign exchange earnings 1 Get into system and keep it there 2 Strategies for doing this Prevent leakages Local ownership staffing Use local products Strong linkages in economy Foreign investment paradox the foreign investment needed to generate foreign exchange earnings criticized for not providing enough to local economy B Increasing Income 1 Income Multiplier amount of local income generated per unit of visitor expenditure 2 Low multiplier means high leakages 3 High multiplier means money circulating well around economy C Three levels of income 1 Direct the first round of spending by visitors in the destination area 2 Indirect the second round of expenditures by businesses who receive first round of visitors spending 3 Induced the third and subsequent rounds of expenditures after the second round Moral of the story strong local linkages buy local in an economy will prevent leakages and lead to high income D Increasing employment 1 Direct front desk employees tour guides drivers housekeepers hotel managers etc 2 Indirect construction farmers mechanics etc E Employment issues in tourism hospitality 1 Seasonal 2 Fluctuating demand 3 Mostly non management jobs for locals in developing countries 4 Service industry Host guest dynamics Subservient nature of guest services Resentment II Sociocultural Impacts of Tourism A Interface of different 1 Cultures 2 Religions 3 Lifestyles 4 Socioeconomic status 5 Languages B Negative and Positive aspects 1 Negative friction over use of local resources beaches parks rivers etc Income disparity resulting crime Prostitution and disease Loss of land Higher prices Overcrowding at historical sites Cultural commodification pg 57 2 Positive cultural revival preservation and affirmation Skills music art dance Cultural learning

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WSU HBM 235 - Sociocultural and Economic Impacts of Tourism

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