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FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS Journalism Unit 1 Mitchell Stephens makes the case for wisdom journalism What does that mean and how does it relate to the journalistic concepts of Walter Lippmann The blogosphere Cable News The goal of Leonard Downie and Michael Schudson for the reconstruction of American Journalism 2 Michael Schudson says journalism should serve democracy in six ways How has journalism s ability to perform each of these functions been helped or hindered by the transition of mass media to niche media 3 Kovach and Rosensteil provide a somewhat different definition of objective journalism than the way the word is commonly understood What are the implications for journalism practice of the differing definitions After defining the difference between the two concepts be sure to consider the likelihood that the approach will make a real difference in the community will keep the organization out of trouble and will satisfy the values of Sharon Dunwoody 4 Stephen Ward discussed the differences in values between traditional journalists and those working in the interactive media world Putting aside technological and financial realities which set of values best serve democracy Before making the case for the relative utility of these values you will need to describe each set and highlight how they differ 5 We have said that news content results from the interaction of public relations and journalism Which profession prevailed in the early years of the Iraq war of the 2000s Why 6 What is the future of journalism FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS Overall Course 1 4 If Neil Postman were alive today what would he think of You Tube Extended blogs by professional journalists and responsible citizens Extended blogs by any Bozo with access to a computer Facebook Do you agree or disagree with those views In answering this question you will need to summarize Postman s theories and describe how they might be applied to the four types of electronic media 2 5 How do the concepts of accuracy truth and manipulation apply to Objective journalism The requirements of the TARES test And the generally accepted practices of strategic communication In answering this question you will need to define accuracy truth and manipulation and then explain how each fits into the standards of objective journalism the TARES test and strategic communication in practice 3 6 As we enter the twenty first century what is the relevance of the Enlightenment ideals and of the twentieth century concepts of social responsibility in mass media In supporting your thesis you will need to explain the Enlightenment and twentieth century assumptions about human nature the path to truth and the concentration of media power before applying these assumptions to the twenty first century

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