UW-Madison JOURN 201 - Lecture - Public diplomacy

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J201 Lecture Public diplomacy Just like public relations public diplomacy depends on the news media China 1989 Germany 1989 Soviet Union 1991 Iraq 2003 a pseudo event Reporting pseudo events is easier than the long hard work of investigative reporting Newsweek MSNBC public diplomacy public relations efforts conducted by a government on an international scale external publics prevent terrorism build support for US policies eg military action during Cold War USIA internal publics prevent hate crimes build support for administration s policies eg USA PATRIOT act perception management and psyops the partnership of nations is here to help actual leaflet dropped during Afghanistan combat Charlotte Beers Queen of Madison Ave J Walter Thompson Ogilvy Mather Nov 2001 Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy worked with Ad Council on campaigns new White House Office of Global Communications formed in 2002 Beers public diplomacy campaigns Rewards for Justice www rewardsforjustice net Can a woman stop terrorism Muslim life in America usinfo state gov products pubs muslimlife failure of the Beers strategy an emotional campaign with no issue content requested 600 million for opinion polling Pew Research Center polls found US support slipping in Middle East Beers resigns just two weeks before US attacks Iraq Karen Hughes Former TV news reporter Bush campaign advisor and most powerful woman in the US Part of 2003 White House Iraq Group Sep 2005 became new Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy inherited al Hurra satellite TV network US effort to sway al Jazeera s 40 million viewers other public diplomacy initiatives Voice of America USAID grants to journalists Office of Strategic Influence www lincolngroup com the government and the news media 1991 Gulf War President George H W Bush pledged military aid to Iraq only nine months before invasion CNN makes global brand for itself military showcases video of smart bombs journalists charge that news is too censored by both US and Iraqi governments the government and the news media 2003 Iraq war President George W Bush rolled out Iraq war talk at 9 11 anniversary and midterm elections FOX News makes global brand for itself military replaces viewpoint of smart bombs with that of embedded journalists Bush administration takes message directly to the people instead of through negative media Two key trends seen in the Bush 2004 election victory Bush won among voters who cited moral issues as their central agenda item in the campaign especially important in swing states Bush supporters were more likely to hold factually incorrect views on key issues dealing with 9 11 and Iraq How are public diplomacy and journalism implicated in these trends what did the internal public really believe about the Iraq war during its first year PIPA September 2003 A majority of Americans 52 percent believed evidence was found linking Iraq to Sept 11 A large minority 35 percent believed weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq A majority 56 percent believed most world opinion supported the war T HE PIPA KNOWLEDGE N ETWORKS P OLLL T HE AMERICAN P UBLIC ON INTERNATIONAL ISSUES Study Finds Widespread Misperceptions on Iraq Highly Related to Support for War Misperceptions Vary Widely Depending on News Source Fox Viewers More Likely to Misperceive PBS NPR Less Likely For release 12 Noon October 2 2003 Contact Steven Kull 202 232 7500 Print NPR College Park MD A new studyFOX based onCBS a seriesABC of sevenNBC nationwide polls conducted CNN Sources PBS from January through September of this year reveals that before and after the Iraq war a None of the 3 30 39 and 45 majority of Americans have had 20 significant misperceptions these 45 are highly 53 related to 77 1 or moreformisperceptions 71 61 55 55 47 23 support the war with Iraq 80 The polling conducted by the Program on International Policy PIPA at the University Variations in misperceptions according to news source cannot simply be explained as a of Maryland and Knowledge Networks also reveals that the frequency of these result of differences in the demographics of each audience because these variations can misperceptions varies significantly according to individuals primary source of news also be who found when watch comparing thearerate of misperceptions Those primarily Fox News significantly more likely towithin have demographic subgroups www pipa org misperceptions while those who primarily listen to NPR or watch PBS are significantly of each audience less likely Another keyanalysis perception one that US intelligence agencies regard as48 unfounded is that An in depth of a series of polls conducted June through September found Iraq was directly in September 11 Iraq Before warhave approximately one in five incorrectly believedinvolved that evidence of links between and althe Qaeda been found 22 thatthis weapons masseven destruction have believed been foundthat in Iraq andhad 25 seen that world believed and of 13 said they they conclusive evidence of what did supporters of different candidates believe PIPA Oct 2004 Iraq WMD and al Qaeda Bush administration claims about pre war Iraq The decision to go to war with Iraq World public opinion on the Iraq war Bush and Kerry foreign policy positions The Separate Realities of Bush and Kerry Supporters October 21 2004 Perceptions of Duelfer Report As you may know Charles Duelfer the chief weapons inspector selected by the Bush administration to investigate whether Iraq had weapons of mass destruction has just presented his final report to Congress Is it your impression he concluded that just before the war Iraq had Bush supporters 57 WMD 19 Major program 38 Kerry supporters 23 7 16 PIPA KN 10 2004 This is down only very slightly from when Bush supporters were asked in August what the Senate Intelligence Committee had concluded about prewar Iraq At that time 58 of Bush supporters said the committee had concluded that Iraq had at least a major WMD program However when asked now about ded that Iraq was providing substantial support to al Qaeda Twenty seven percent of K ters assumed this to be the case Perceptions of Conclusion of 9 11 Commission Report on Iraq Bush Supporters Was directly Had WMD 47 involved in 9 11 13 56 Had major Program 25 Gave al Qaeda substantial support 43 Kerry Supporters 8 7 27 18 20 PIPA KN 10 2004 When other polling organizations have asked about whether Iraq was involved in the September 11th attacks they h und a higher percentage than PIPA

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