GSU PSYC 1101 - Psyc 1101Introduction to General Psychology_Feride Abbasova

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Azerbaijan University School of Business Psyc 1101 Introduction to General Psychology Fall 2009 Instructor Feride Abbasova MSW 2009 Class hour Friday 15 00 Office hour only by appointment or after class Email frida afr yahoo com The Course provides the students with an overview of the field of psychology The course will familiarize with the basic terms and theories as well as with some classic and recent research The course introduces general issues in the discipline such as historical development of the different fields basic and applied research scientific reasoning and psychological methods and statistics This introduction is followed by discussions of theories and findings in different fields of psychology including Developmental Psychology Social Psychology and Organizational Psychology Course Objectives The broad objective of the course is to strengthen students understanding on general psychology psychological processes theories and findings Course is aimed at providing students with new interactive methods of lecturing will identify the areas of students interests and combine them with the course content Demonstrates foundational knowledge in social psychology concepts theories research methods assessed with journal article review and tests Applies social psychological phenomena to one s own thinking behavior and relationships as well as stories and cultural artifacts literature film etc assessed with portfolio papers anger observations and tests Recognizes the extent to which social behaviors are influenced by situational and interpretive factors assessed with film analysis situational observation Outline perspective on human nature and compare it to social psychological perspectives e g evolutionary sociocultural Course Textbooks Myers G D 2007 Psychology Woth Publishers Hope College Michigan Kenrick D T Neuberg S G Cialdini R B 2005 Social psychology Unraveling the mystery 3rd ed Boston Allyn Bacon Course Structure Course structure and model will allow student to obtain theoretical as well as practical knowledge and skills related to general psychology Theoretical and practical skills are designed around the following modules understanding of psychology leadership skills communications psycho social aspect of wellbeing Both practical and theoretical sessions are based on evidence based approach and values and ethics ASSIGNMENTS AND GRADING CRITERIA Attendance and participation in class both theoretical and practical sessions are required in this course Lack of attendance and participation will result in a lower cumulative score Grade Scale Scores AKTS scores A 97 100 A 93 96 A 90 100 A 90 92 B 87 89 B 83 86 B 80 82 C 77 79 C C 70 72 D 67 69 D 63 66 D 60 62 F 0 59 73 76 B 80 89 C 70 79 D 60 69 E 50 59 Fx 40 49 F 0 39 Students will be evaluated based on the following assignments Note detailed Assignment and Scoring Scales will be provided in class for each assignment Observation Paper 15 Interview Paper 15 Assessment Paper 20 Process Paper 20 Final Exam 25 Course Content Class Date Title Covered Topics 1 Introduction 2 Biological Basis of Behaviour 3 Motivation and Emotion 4 Learning Historical Foundations of Psychology Definition and Scope of Psychology Fields of Psychology Schools of Psychology Methods of Psychology Introspection Observation Case Study Interview Survey and Experimental method Hormonal basis of behavior the major endocrine glands and their functions Attention Span division and distraction Perception Perecptual constancy Illusions Internal and External factors influencing Perceptual Definition and functions of Motives Types of Motives Physiological and Psycho Social motives Unconscious motivation Maslow s theory of Motivation Emotion Definition and nature of emotions Theories of emotion JamesLange Cannon Bard and SchachterSinger Maturation and Learning Classical and Instrumental 5 Personality Nature and Definition 6 Social Perception Understandi ng Others 7 Communicati on Attitudes Prejudices Conditioning Learning by Insight and Observation Latent learning Meaning of memory Types of memory Methods of measuring memory Information Processing model of memory curve of forgetting and causes of forgetting Methods of Improving Memory Approaches to Personality Type Behaviouristic Humanistic and Psychosexual approaches Attribution Theories of Attribution Theory of Correspondent Influence Errors in Attribution Fundamental Attribution Error Actor Observer effect Self Serving Bias Impression formation and Impression Management Techniques of Impression Management Definition nature and types of communication Barriers to effective communication Rumors and propaganda Definition Distinctive features of Attitudes Formation of Attitudes Measurement of Attitudes Likert method of Summated ratings Bogardus method of Social Distance Thurstone s Equal appearing intervals method Cognitive Dissonance Reducing Dissonance Prejudice and Discrimination Nature and Origin of Prejudice Techniques of reducing Prejudice Definition Determinants of Human Aggression Social Personal and Situational factors Theoretical Perspectives on Aggression 8 9 10 Biological Perspective Drive Theories General Affective Aggression model Prevention and Control of Aggression Groups and Definition and Types of Groups Individuals Group functions Roles Status Leadership Norms Cohesiveness and Conformity Groups and Individual performance Social facilitation Social loafing Decision making by Groups Definition Traits of a Leader Types of Leaders Autocratic Democratic and Charismatic Leaders Classic studies on leadership leader behavior initiating structure and consideration IndustrialDefinition scope and historical Organization development of I O psychology al Psychology Pioneers Theory on personnel selection World War I and the testing movement Hawthorne studies and motivational issues World War II and Engineering Psychology Employee The Recruitment process Sources of Selection Recruiting Recruiter characteristics Campus recruitment Selection process Job and worker analysis Definition and purpose Techniques of analysis Interviews Questionnaires Observation Activity logs critical incidents Use of biographical data application blanks Reference letters Interviews Types of interviews structured situational and online 11 Personnel Training Principles of learning and training Methods of training Evaluation of training 12 Work motivation Job Satisfaction and Work Attitudes Theories of work motivation Need Hierarchy

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GSU PSYC 1101 - Psyc 1101Introduction to General Psychology_Feride Abbasova

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