HBM 235 1st Edition Lecture 6 Outline of Last Lecture I Culture II Factors Influencing Information Search III Social Media and Travel Info Search IV Destination Image Characteristics V How we perceive Outline of Current Lecture I Perception Image and Satisfaction II Traveler s Decision making Process III Current Lecture I Perception Image and Satisfaction A Expectations vs actual experience performance perceptions 1 High expectations and negative perceptions Least satisfied 2 Low expectations and negative perceptions Moderate dissatisfaction 3 High expectations and positive perceptions Moderate satisfaction Want expectations positive perceptions gap to be as high as possible Positive disconfirmation when perception outperforms expectations II Traveler s Decision making Process A All destinations go through a funnel through choices to get to the final choice 1 Influenced by internal push and external pull variables MARKET Consideration Evaluation Constraints Choice B Consideration 1 Awareness set knows but do not express any affection with 2 Reveals knowledge C Evaluation 1 Evoked Set destinations considered for next vacation 2 Surrogate Set Destinations not prioritized but kept as spare alternatives 3 Exclusion set destination rejected D Constraints 1 Dream Set ideal but permanently unavailable 2 Unavailable Set Considered but temporarily unavailable 3 Available set affordable We want to move consumers to evoke set and then available set E Hesitation postponing or deferring product purchases Perceived risk can cause hesitation AS perceived risk increases hesitation increases As perceived risk decreases hesitation decreases As knowledge increases strength of relationship is weakened Managing risk hesitation relationship
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