CU-Boulder GEOG 2412 - Institutions and the Commons

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Name Recitation Number Discussion Prep Three Institutions and the Commons These questions are adapted from pg 61 of your textbook Discussion Prep 3 is due in your recitation the week of September 19th 1 In Garret Hardin s Tragedy of the Commons what is the inevitable tragedy behavior exhibited by the herdsmen in his hypothetical commons 2 For Hardin what are the only two options available for averting a tragedy of the commons Which option does Hardin prefer and why 3 What do Theories of common property management say about Hardin s diagnosis and prescription 4 What is the difference between common pool resources common property resources and open access resources 5 Describe a real world example of a common property resource that is not tragically overexploited NOTE Use the term institution s in your answer Examples can be drawn from the book class or outside references including news sources 6 Why might the atmosphere be the most difficult to manage of all imaginable common property resources Name Recitation Number 7 Name a common Property resource that you have access to This might be environmental a local park or bike path or a shared good a computer network or dormitory lounge With whom is access to this resource shared What risks are there to overuse misuse degradations or other problems of cooperation and shared responsibility How are people s behaviors regulated by social institutions Could the system be improved through new and different institutional frameworks

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CU-Boulder GEOG 2412 - Institutions and the Commons

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