UW-Madison JOURN 201 - Mass Society - Audience Agency

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J201 Intro to mass communication Mass society audience agency mass communication processes purposes mass media producers technologies products mass society effects audiences cultures Researching agency of media audiences with messages Six types of audience theories audience segmentation theories audience size overlap theories audience role theories audience diffusion theories uses and gratifications theories cultural construction theories an audience segmentation example Gerbner 1982 audience segmentation theories demographics who you are geographics where you are psychographics what you believe note similarity to limited effects an audience size overlap example audience size overlap theories ways of measuring the audience for each medium heavy consumers of one medium tend to be heavy consumers of other media audience role theories audience as citizen decision maker audience as consumer of both media and products audience as product eyeballs sold to advertisers audience as labor doing work for advertisers research method Neilsen ratings audience diffusion theories people mediate the messages interpersonal communication mass communication gatekeepers and opinion leaders two step flow mediators tend to be more affluent and more educated perhaps more applicable to print than to television a uses and gratifications example Linn and von Feilitzen 1972 uses and gratifications theories audience members have needs interests and goals audience members choose media to satisfy those needs interests and goals media must compete with other ways people have to satisfy their needs interests and goals method ask people why they use the media information identity integration entertainment do people have freedom of choice what about aggregate level effects and meanings supports the status quo cultural construction theories audiences are not passive viewers making choices but active creators of meaning audiences create sustain and alter shared worldviews using the media media are not only wrapped up in pleasure and gratification but power and conflict do audiences only choose media which supports their worldview

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UW-Madison JOURN 201 - Mass Society - Audience Agency

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