UA PSIO 201 - Intro to Nervous System
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PSIO 201 5th Edition Lecture 26 Outline of Last Lecture Muscles Outline of Current Lecture I Introduction to the Nervous System II Brain III Cerebrum IV Cerebellum V Organizations VI Meninges VII CFS Flow VIII Cerebral Spinal Fluid and Brain Barrier Current Lecture Lecture 26 Introduction to the Nervous System Objectives 1 List the divisions of the nervous system and describe how the different divisions interact with each other 2 List the four major structures of the brain 3 Describe the organization of the cerebrum in terms of gyri sulci hemispheres lobes and gray and white matter 4 Describe the organization of the cerebellum in terms of hemispheres and white and gray matter 5 List and describe the meningeal layers and spaces in order from superficial to deep Include a list of the dural folds as described in lecture 6 Describe the functions formation and flow of cerebrospinal fluid Functions1 Sensory Function afferent neurons information goes to the brain and spinal cord via cranial and spinal nerves 2 Integrative function interneurons integrates sensory information by analyzing and storing it 3 Motor Function efferent neurons information from the brain and spinal cord is sent out to muscles or glands effectors Central Servous System brain and spinal cord Enertic nervous system smooth muscle glands of GI tract Peripheral Nervous system cranial and spinal nerves Somatic Nervous system Skeletal Muscles Nervous System Autonomic Smooth Muscle Cardiac muscle glands Autonomic Nervous System Sympathetic Division and Parasympathetic Division BRAIN Control center of the human body Center of intelligence behavior memory and emotion Coordinates activity of skeletal muscles Influences activity of visceral organs and glands What is it composed of 100 billion neurons and even more neuroglia How does the brain act as a processing center Interpretation of sensory information is based on path traveled and destination in the brain What happens to the brain when we learn and develop new skills Anatomical changes in the brain new synapses form and a pattern of neuron activity develops Four Major Parts of the Brain 1 Cerebrum 2 Cerebellum 3 Diencephalon Thalamus Hypothalamus Epithalamus 4 Brain Stem Pons Medulla oblongata Midbrain Organization of the Cerebrum 2 cerebral hemispheres Right music face recognition visual imagery spatial abilities Left language logic reason Lobes Frontal reasoning planning speech and movement emotions problem solving Parietal perception of stimuli related to touch pressure temperature pain Temporal perception and recognition of auditory stimuli and memory Occipital many aspects of vision Insula integrates autonomic information associated to visceral function Organization of the Cerebellum 2 Cerebellar hemispheres Cerebellar cortex gray matter Arbor Vitae white matter Meninges Connective tissue coverings that surround the brain and spinal cord Functions Protect Underlying neural tissues Anchor the brain in cranial cavity and spinal cord in vertebrae activity Meminges 3 Layers 1 Dura Mater subdural space Most superficial Layer Outer layer fuses with Periosteum of skill not around spinal cord Inner layer folds into parts of cranial cavity forming sinuses Major Dural Folds Falx Cerebri Falx Cerebelli Tentorium Cerebelli 2 Arachnoid Mater Subarachnoid space 3 Pia Mater Pathway of CSF flow Hydrocephalus CFS Formation in Ventricles filtrate of plasma containing glucose Ca Cl Mg oxygen and other metabolic ions Cerebrospinal Fluid CSF Functions Cushioning and school absorption Chemical protection Exchange nutrients and wastes Blood Brain Barrier Protective mechanism that maintains stable environment for the brain Capillaries of the brain are the least permeable of any capillaries in the body Capillaries are selective partly due to presence of astrocytes a type of neuroglia

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UA PSIO 201 - Intro to Nervous System

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