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    Pages: 3   
    This lecture note discusses lighting in famous paintings, color temperature, different combinations of lighting and their effects, examples of lighting in scenes and videos, on-set knowledge and common light and design themes. It provides explanations for images on lecture slides.
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    Pages: 4   
    This lecture note discusses the idea of balance within copyright laws, how it has changed throughout the years and how to maintain it. It also talks about the benefits of public domain. It concludes with information of what constitutes a fair use and provides insight on examples given in lecture.
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    Pages: 2   
    This lecture note discusses the 5 principles of good composition, effective graphic design, Golombisky andHagen's 3 Building Blocks and description of the various design examples presented in class. It also discusses type and Photoshop terms. It ends with a brief recap of the Helvetica video.
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    Pages: 2   
    This lecture note discusses focal length, aperture, depth of field, shutter speed, film speed and ISO.


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