IUB TEL-T 192 - Asian Americans and Latinos/Hispanics
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Tel T 192 1st Edition Lecture 12 Outline of Last Lecture I Guest Lecture Outline of Current Lecture II Asian Americans III Latinos and Hispanics Current Lecture Asian Americans o The yellow peril stereotype Before WWII Attitudes towards Asian immigrants were not positive White Americans felt their jobs were going to be taken away by them Portrayals in movies were like this for support of the war o Model minority Recovered economically after the war Rates of crime are relatively low The idea that this group has achieved a higher rate of success than the American average guess o Primetime TV Constitute between 1 and 4 of the characters on primetime tv Primarily minor or non recurring roles Often in high status occupations In advertising Asian Americans most frequently found in tech ads As such portrayals are contributing to backlash Decreased consumer civic response o They re so smart and hardworking that they don t need scholarships or govt help o The fears are the same for both stereotypes people believe they re going to become better and take over o Gender Specifics Asian American men Dangerous and evil villains Master of Kung Foo Uncultured and unfriendly Undesirable male partners Rarely shown outside of work These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Asian American Women The geisha o Subservient sexual exotic Latinos and Hispanics o Latino from countries once under Roman rule o Hispanic from countries under Spanish rule o Stereotypes in Media The hot blooded sexy character macho man or curvy vixen Gang member usually into drug dealing An entertainer The immigrant domestic worker o Where do these stereotypes come from The media itself TV news Shown as perpetrators of crime Shown as victims of crime less likely than real world crime stats suggest Significantly linked to news stories about immigration and gang violence Most likely to occur on Fox News Solution o Need more minorities behind the camera o When it comes to TV news Asian Americans and Latinos represent 4 5 of the workforce combined

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