Tel T 192 Lecture 10 Outline of Last Lecture I Male Body Image II The Ideal Man Mass Media III Harrison Bond 2007 Outline of Current Lecture II What is beautiful is good III The Halo Effect IV Dion Berscheid Walter V Are the Beautiful good in Hollywood too VI Exam 1 Current Lecture What is beautiful is good o Physical good looks elicit favorable reactions The Halo Effect o When one trait influences others in one s judgment of another person or object Dion Berscheid Walster o Participants were asked to rate photographs of 3 people who ranged from low to high on physical attractiveness o Ratings were for several different categories including personality happiness career success o Attractiveness positively linked to all three Are the beautiful good in Hollywood too o Smith and colleagues 1999 Two Studies Study 1 o Content analysis of popular movies o Examined character attractiveness and Aggressiveness Friendliness Goodness Intelligence Outcome Romantic activity SES Study 2 o Two groups one watched a film high in beauty goodness stereotype the other watched a film low in stereotype These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Rated the applications of two fictitious grad school candidates one attractive other less attractive o The what is beautiful is good stereotype creates a halo effect for light skinned persons When complexion is the indicator of attractiveness similar stereotypes found Exam 1 o 50 questions o Multiple choice and true false o Exam will be scaled o Use chat room
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