BIOL 1103 1st Edition Lecture 12 Outline of Last Lecture II Photosynthesis vs cellular respiration III The Carbon Cycle IV Chlorophyll and Chloroplasts V Light VI Two Parts of Photosynthesis a The Calvin Cycle VII Three Types of Photosynthesis Outline of Current Lecture VIII Mitosis and Cytokinesis IX DNA and Mitosis X Chromosomes XI Mitosis Stages XII Cell Cycle XIII Cancer Current Lecture Mitosis and cytokinesis o Mitosis making complete copy of genetic information in nucleus resulting in two nuclei that are genetically identical o Cytokinesis physical separation of one cell into two daughter cells o These processes are seen in embryonic development of a fertilized egg and in cell replacement in which cell division In tissue replaces old cells to heal wounds and replace damaged cells DNA and mitosis o DNA code for making primary sequence of proteins o Consists of A T C G A bonds with T and G with C o During mitosis DNA unwinds are 2 new helixes are synthesized from each strand o DNA is packaged into chromosomes Chromosomes o Walter Flemming was cytologist that published work of cell mitosis and of chroma soma These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Chromosome duplication process produces sister chromatids Centromere where sister chromatids are held together o Diploids 2 sets of chromosomes one set inherited from each parent Humans have 44 autosomes and 2 sex chromosomes Women have XX sex chromosomes and men have XY Mitosis phases o Prophase metaphase anaphase telophase o o Cell cycle o G1 Synthesis G2 Mitosis Cytokinesis G1 o o Interphase in the state in which our cells our not doing anything most of the cells in your body are currently in interphase Nerve cells do not continue to divide but skin cells do Cancer o Cancer is caused by the overdoing of mitosis and cytokinesis o Three traits of cancer cells Divide when they should not Have capacity to invade surrounding tissue Have capacity to metastasize or leave original location and invade tissue somewhere else When cancer cells metastasize the tumor becomes malignant if they stay in the same place the tumor is benign o Two things required for cancer Control mechanisms that induce cell division must become hyperactive these are mechanisms are called oncogenes Mechanisms that suppress cell division must fail these mechanisms are called tumor suppressor genes
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