TEL T205 1st Edition Lecture 11 The One With the Junk Food 1 Advertsing a Factors influencing success i Celebrity endorsement 1 Balance principle 2 Congruence and credibility ii Liking of the Ad 1 To what extent does this influence the success Sometimes a Not as important that you might think only matters when dealing with a product or brand is unknown i Emotional connection is what is important if we like or enjoy the commercial that transfers over to connection to the brand or product ii True whether talking about ads that are well liked as well as disliked iii If talking about products that we know liking or disliking of the ad does not matter b Attention is also important i Do not want to be in the middle either want a well liked ad or a disliked ad 1 Making a disliked ad is easier than making a well like ad and they work just as well as the well liked ad 2 When making a disliked ad you can focus on the product sometimes with well liked ads people may miss what the product was but liked the advertisement a Disliked ads are just as attention getting more memorable and have little to no effect on our evaluation of the product maybe more beneficial to make and ad that is disliked 2 Sexual Content sex sells a Can sometimes increase success of products These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute i Sexual content is attention getting whether we want it or not or whether we notice or not primitive part of our brain that is drawn to it ii BUT paying attention to the sex at the expense of paying attention to the brand or product that is being pitched may not remember iii Congruence matters quite a bit when the product or sexual content are congruent sexual content that is selling a product with sexual connotations the attention will be in the ball park of the product 1 However in hardy s commercial attention to be drawn to sexual content rather than the burgers that are being pitched iv Reducing attention and memory to product v Another problem is backlash individual level our reaction to the content 1 Usually pitched from a particular point of view hence possibly alienating half of the audience that is listening to the message a Can be a subconscious effect as well may get a message that this is not a product with me b Happens much more with sexual content then with any other types of appeal b Elaboration Likelihood Model i 2 separate routes to persuasion 1 For high involvement persuaded through the central route 2 For low involvement ad persuaded through a different route ii Involvement or elaboration refers to how much people care about this product does it fit with their identity 1 Ex Car high elaboration car defines us and who we are and we care about this purchase 2 Bottle of water low elaboration do not care about this that much iii Central route cognitive response and high involvemet persuaded through central route by argument quality strength of argument assists in our purchase 1 Credibility only matters for central route because we only care about credibility for a big purchase credibly convince us 2 Or get us to the website or show room so we can make the argument in person iv peripheral route no cognitive response what is persuasive here is the superficial aspects automatic cues belief and attitude change happen quickly behavior change happens before the attitude change in the peripheral route 1 Ex Attractiveness of the person in the advertisement 2 Argument does not matter 3 Liking of the ad matters 4 The goal is just to get them to buy it do not even need to get them to change their attitudes of the product and then attitude will follow v Price becomes important superficial sums for peripheral route 1 Trivial amount of money and nothing to do with the quality of the product c Concerns relation to Advertising i Consequences of effective advertising 1 Successful convinces us to buy things and shifts our needs and goals 2 Materialism increase culture with more advertising have more materialism a Direct proportion with how much more advertising b Within a culture people who consume more advertising are more materialisting c Problems associated with increased dissatisfaction frustration depression i The more things we want the more dissatisfied we are going to be we can t have it all ii The more ads we are exposed to the less happy we are 3 Unrealistic goals and expectations a What s realistic for one person is unrealistic for other people b If ad is going out to everyone then the people who cannot reach it have expectations that are not reachable c The more ads they are exposed to the more unrealistic the goals and their social norms tend to be 4 Health Issues food and diet a Influences what we want to eat ads are exposing us to a lot more junk food and that is what we want to eat i Vast majority of TV advertising food is extremely unhealthy 1 Fastfood sugared cereal candy and snacks sodas ii Kids who are exposed to these ads are more likely to crave and eat more unhealthy options iii Also kids who are exposed to these ads also taste food differently 1 Taste is just as much mental as it is chemical and significantly effected by ads 2 Exposed to ads such as fast food believe it tastes better than if we didn t see the advertisement iv Difficult for parents to have full control over what their child wants to eat 1 Parents inundated with what their child wants to eat 2 Kids have far more control over what they consume than we would like as a society 3 Cannot control what children eat at school with friends ii Deception 1 Cannot just lie outright without consequences there are cases that are borderline deception other ways advertisers bend the truth 2 Ads aimed towards children where children are developmentally and how they makes sense of the ads they consume a Issue their ability to take in perception taking ability that develops over time so children do not have skill yet b Cannot put themselves in different shoes to see what other people see c Social or emotion perspective taking are even more challenging to understand when they are young d We as adults understand that advertisements are made by someone that are trying to sell us something we understand what persuasive content is i Children do not understand that advertisers have different motivations ii Do not understand that tony the tiger is not looking out for what the child wants and is what is in their best
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