WSU HD 300 - Emotional Abuse
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HD 300 1st Edition Lecture 16 Outline of Last Lecture I II Sexual Exploitation Save the children report a Children of war Outline of Current Lecture I Socially toxic environment II Summary III Emotional abuse IV Emotional neglect V Emotional assault VI Pet abuse and child abuse VII Emotional abuse Part 2 VIII Responses to emotional abuse IX Consequences Current Lecture Socially Toxic Environment James Garbino Random violence o Every day in America 10 children die and 30 wounded by firearms Television Abduction Drugs Vulgarity nastiness o Little kids dropping the F bomb where are they exposed to it Summary It is difficult being a child We have not done very well as a world community in providing a safe environment for children Unit 13 Emotional Abuse Incidence of emotional abuse These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Only 5 1 of reported abuse o Because its hard for social services to identify o See handout for pie chart of abuse Emotional Abuse A problem itself always associated with the other types of abuse The most ambiguous form of maltreatment most difficult to define Refers to acts of omission that jeopardize the development of o Self esteem o Social competence o Capacity for intimacy Difficult to identify o No laws to prove that it exists o No standards to determine how serious it is Repeated pattern An extreme incident o No real evidence No bruises o Hidden quality o May be considered normal behavior Emotional Neglect Denying emotional responsiveness o The parent is unavailable emotionally May occur in clinically depressed parent substance abuse parent or just an uninterested parent o The parent only interacts with the child when necessary o The parent is rejecting Refuses to acknowledge the child s worth refuses to acknowledge the legitimacy of the child s needs fails to express affection and love for the child ignores the child may isolate the child Isolation o deny child opportunity to interact or communicate with family members or others o confining the child o putting unreasonable limitations on the child s freedom of movement not letting child go outside chaining child to bed Emotional Assault Verbal o o o o assault verbal attacks that occur on a one time or continuing basis repeated yelling and swearing at the child name calling ridicule expressing contempt I ve never seen anyone as ugly as you are o o Degradation you are worthless you don t belong in this family Terrorizing Promoting a fear Placing a child in unpredictable circumstances If the child is afraid for their safety Placing a child in dangerous situations Threatening violence against the child Threatening violence against a loved one Destroying a child s personal possessions Setting rigid or unrealistic expectations with threats of loss harm or danger if they are not met Torture or destruction of a pet Pet Abuse and Child Abuse Research shows a positive relationship between pet abuse and o Other types of family violence o Child abuse o Later anti social behavior Animal abuse is a signal that the child needs help Animal abuse by any member of the family often means child abuse is present too Any child who abuses animals needs immediate intervention If the child describes animal abuse in the home it needs to be reported Emotional Abuse Chronic attitudes or acts that are detrimental to development of a positive selfimage Parental rejection Parental coldness Inappropriate control o Allowing the child to do anything o Or too much control more than the helicopter mom Extreme inconsistency Exploiting or corrupting the child o The adult mis socializes the child Teaching them unlawful behavior o Modeling permitting or encouraging antisocial behavior o Modeling permitting or encouraging developmentally inappropriate behavior o Encouraging or coercing abandonment of developmentally appropriate autonomy through extreme over involvement intrusiveness or dominance smotherhood Spousal abuse o Children exposed to spousal abuse show same psychological symptoms as children who are actually abused Spurning hostile rejecting degrading o Verbal and non verbal acts that reject and degrade the child o Overtly hostile or rejecting treatment o Belittling and degrading the child o Shamming or ridiculing the child for showing normal emotions o Public humiliation o Singling out 1 child to criticize and punish Expendable child syndrome o don t be game o The child is told that life would be better If she he were not there or had never been born o High risk of suicide Hurried Child Syndrome o Child pushed to grow up and achieve o Role reversal parentified child o Failure to monitor children Latch key children Children with very little rules o Toddlers in Tiaras Responses to Emotional Abuse Hiding Crying Abusing a smaller weaker child Fighting back Somatic complaints o Get sick to get attention o Or may get stomach aches because of stress o Headaches stomachaches asthma nervous habits sleep disturbances Believe the abusive message o If told they are ugly they believe it Consequences handout Learning problems o Significantly more academic problems and lower cognitive skills Problems in relationships o More aggression o More social problems over all o More problems with peers no friends Unusual behaviors and feelings o Attachment disorders o Attacking peers in distress o More disruptive behaviors in classroom o Sig more behavior problems o Sig more antisocial problems Unhappiness depression o Reduced emotional responsiveness o Depression o Emotional instability o Suicidal ideation Fears and physical symptoms o Failure to thrive o Poor appetite o Encoporesis soiling and enuresis bed wetting o Somatic symptoms Long lasting effects o Hidden scars that can last a lifetime Emotional abuse may continue into adulthood PTSD Denial Lack of treatment

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