ANSC 318 1st Edition Lecture 11 Outline of Last Lecture I Effects on cattle feed intake and residual feed intake Outline of Current Lecture II Use of Feedstuffs by Livestock and Poultry III Feedstuff Classifications a Dry Forages and Roughages b Pasture and Grazed Forages c Silages d Mineral and Vitamin Supplements e Feed Additives IV Energy Feeds Carbonaceous Concentrates a Corn Grain b Sorghum c Wheat d Barley e Oats f Milling By products of Cereal Grains g High carbohydrate Liquid Feeds h By product Dry Feeds i Roots and Tubers j Fats and Oils Current Lecture Use of Feedstuffs by Livestock and Poultry in the US Type of Animal Concentrate in Diet Small Ruminants sheep goat 9 All Beef Cattle 17 Feedlot Cattle 100 200 days 72 Grazing Cattle cows stockers 4 Horses 28 Dairy Cattle 39 Hogs 90 Poultry 95 Forage in Diet 91 83 28 96 72 61 10 5 These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Feedstuff Classifications Dry Forages and Roughages Includes cut and dried forages and roughages 35 NDF DM Basis low energy content a lot of fiber Carbonaceous Roughages 10 CP straws stalks mature grasses Proteinaceous Roughages 10 CP legumes immature grasses Pasture and Grazed Forages Includes cut and dried forages and roughages Grasses members of family Gramineae Legumes members of family Leguminosae Forbs primarily broadleaf nonwoody plants Browse woody plants consumed in some degree by ruminants especially sheep goats and deer Silages Includes ensiled forages Carbonaceous silages 10 CP corn and grass silage Proteinaceous silages 10 CP alfalfa and clover silage go through fermentation for 2 3 weeks before fed to animals Mineral and Vitamin Supplements Mineral Supplements Bone meal Calcium carbonate Limestone Vitamin Supplements Fish Oil Wheat germ Vitamin A acetate Vitamin D3 acetate Feed Additives ionophores Anitibiotics bacitracin chlortetracycline monensin Buffers sodium bicarbonate magnesium oxide Antioxidants compounds preventing oxidative rancidity of fats Chemical Preservatives compounds preventing deterioration Pellet Binding Agents bentonite lignin sulfonate Probiotics lactobacillus aspergillus General Characteristics of Forages Item Roughages Fiber Content High 35 NDF Energy Content Low Calcium Content High Phosphorous Content Low Protein Content Carbonaceous Low 10 Proteinaceous High 10 Variation in Nutrient Content High Relative Concentrates Low 35 NDF High Low High Low 20 High 20 Low Energy Feeds Carbonaceous Concentrates General Characteristics 35 NDF High in energy content 20 CP Class Includes cereal grains sorghum milling by products of cereal grains miscellaneous feeds Corn Grain no limitations on its use in nutritionally balanced diets only grain that contains carotene which can be converted to Vitamin A can be fed whole to cattle due to large size generally processed before feeding especially nonruminants and horses Susceptible to mold damage that produce mycotoxins 1 in energy concentration Sorghum Milo very abundant in Texas 40 of US production drought tolerant can be only grain in nutritionally balanced diet must be processed in hogs produce same growth rate as corn with 5 less feed 95 value in ruminants 70 95 of value of corn Wheat not widely used in diets because of high cost primarily for human consumption higher feed value than corn best protein quality cereal grain can be only grain source in hogs if coarsely ground or rolled in ruminants usually about 50 of grain in diet the starch in wheat is more fermentable in the rumen than corn and milo more likely to cause acidosis Barley 3rd most important feed grain in the US grown more in the north used in the brewing industry and nonruminants and ruminant diets Oats 30 35 hulls by weight safe grain for horses due to high fiber content avoid colic better for ruminant and horse diets most expensive lower quality than others Milling By products of Cereal Grains Gluten feed corn sorghum after removal of germ and starch 20 25 CP moderate energy original Middlings wheat rye bran shorts germs flour and tailings 9 10 crude fiber moderate energy Hominy Feed corn only bran germs and flour high energy slightly corn grain Grain Screenings all grains dust chaff weed seeds broken kernels not in horses moderate energy original Miscellaneous all grain groats seed without hulls oats and rice barley malt sprouts fiber increases in whole feeds horse feeds should never have grain screenings High carbohydrate Liquid Feeds Molasses sugarcane sugar beets most popular by product of sugar production liquid thick black solution moderate energy high in sugar low protein often included in diets for better mixing and dust control Liquid Milk By products by products of cheese production liquid and condensed whey Miscellaneous high carbohydrate liquid feeds condensed molasses solubles condensed citrus solubles and condensed soybean solubles By Product Dry Feeds Beet Pulp by product of sugar production from sugar beets wet and dry moderate energy low protein Citrus Pulp by product of juice production high energy low protein Dried bakery product unused bakery products and other human food high energy moderate protein variable nutritional value Roots and Tubers Roots and Tubers by product of foods produced from human foods high energy low protein Potatoes and Carrots by products raw Cassava tropical plant high energy low protein Fats and Oils Animal and Poultry Fat processing and rendering plants tallow lard mixed fats grease high energy no fiber or protein Vegetable Oils corn cottonseed soybean sunflower safflower etc high energy no fiber or protein Blended animal vegetable fats high energy no fiber or protein Other High Fat Feeds whole oilseeds cottonseed soybeans etc Bypass fat ruminants only added directly to animal feeds
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