UNT PSYC 4600 - Chapter 7 Notes pt. 2
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PSYC 4600 002 Lecture11 Outline of Last Lecture I Functionalism II Darwin s influence on psychology III Frances Galton a Recap b Impact IV Functionalism Development and Founding a Herbert Spencer V William James a Methods of psychology b Pragmatism c Theory of Emotions d 3 part self e Habit Outline of Current Lecture I The Functional Inequality of women a Important female figures i Mary Whiton Calkins ii Helen Bradford Thompson Woolley iii Leta Stetter Hollingworth II G Stanley Hall a Major contributions b Evolution and recapitulation theory of development III The founding of functionalism a The Chicago School b John Dewey c John Rowland Angell d Harvey A Carr e Functionalism at Columbia University i James McKeen Cattell ii E L Thorndike iii Robert Sessions Woodworth IV Criticisms of Functionalism V Contributions of Functionalism Current Lecture These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o o o o o o o o The Functional Inequality of women For nearly 20 years after the formal founding of psychology women faced considerable barriers in becoming psychologists Feminist movement moral arguments Reproductive rights domestic violence maternity leave equal pay women s suffrage sexual harassment and sexual violence Early female psychologists used scientific method to debunk the ideas propping up female oppression Today the majority of individuals who receive a Ph D in psychology are female Important female figures Mary Whiton Calkins 1863 1930 William James student at Harvard but Harvard wouldn t award PhD to a woman Developed the paired associates technique used in the study of memory Self psychology First woman president of APA 1905 Taught and established psychology lab at Wellseley Helen Bradford Thompson Woolley 1874 1947 Major professors James Rowland Angell and John Dewey Ph D at 1900 at University of Chicago Dissertation work countered the variability hypothesis much of career dedicated to studying child development and welfare govt agencies institutes and Columbia University Leta Stetter Hollingworth 1886 1939 PhD at Columbia Teacher s college under E L Thorndike 1916 Conducted extensive empirical research on the variability hypothesis Her data refuted the variability hypothesis and other notions of female inferiority Challenged the concept of an innate instinct for motherhood Coined the term gifted children Still cited in gifted education fiel G Stanley Hall 1844 1924 Many firsts 1st American doctorate doctoral degree in psychology 1st American student in the first year of the first psychology lab Began what is often considered to be the 1st psychology laboratory in the US Began the 1st American psychology journal 1st president of Clark University One of the first applied psychologists Major contributions APA organized in 1892 largely through Hall s efforts Organized talents that helped move the field forward Child study movement Evolution and the Recapitulation theory of development main theme evolutionary theory believed that the normal growth of the mind involved a series of evolutionary stages Method questionnaires Recapitulation theory Hall s idea that the psychological development of children reflects the history of the human race The founding of functionalism Functionalism not stated intentionally protest against the restrictions and limitations of Wundtian psychology and Titchener s structuralism No single form of functionalist psychology Uniting themes Mental functions How people function in and adapt to different environments applied psychology The Chicago school in addition to James there are two other psychologist that contributed to the founding of functionalism John Dewey James Rowland Angell James later designated them the Chicago school University of Chicago John Dewey 1859 1952 Practical orientation applying psychology to educational and philosophical problems Major figure in history of educational psychology At University of Chicago 1894 1904 set up laboratory school The Reflex Arc Concept in Psychology 1896 The Reflex arc the connection between sensory stimuli and motor responses Dewey neither behavior nor conscious experience can be reduced to elements James Rowland Angell 1869 1949 Goals of psychology Study how the mind assists the organism in adjusting to its environment 1906 APA presidential address Bold statement though still insisted functionalism not a formal movement Under Angell University of Chicago gained reputation as training ground for functionalist psychologists Harvey A Carr 1873 1954 Carried on at University of Chicago after Angell 1919 1938 Elaborated Angell s theoretical position Work represents functionalism when it no longer needed to crusade against structuralism o o o o o o o o o o o o o Defined the final form of functionalism Functionalism the final form subject matter of psychology mental activity processes Function of mental activity support adaptation to environment Carr s textbook Psychology 1925 represents the final form of functionalism Functionalism at Columbia University Another form of functionalism developed at Columbia University Contributors James McKeen Cattell Work on mental tests embodied the American functionalist spirit E L Thorndike Research on problems of animal learning reinforced the functionalist trend toward greater objectivity Robert Sessions Woodworth 1869 1962 Great teacher influential textbooks Disliked the constraints imposed by membership in any one school of thought Dynamic psychology Criticisms of Functionalism Came mostly from structuralism any approach to psychology that deviated from the introspective analysis of the mind into elements could not truly be called psychology Criticism of the functional psychologists interest in practical concerns Ongoing dispute between seeing psychology as a pure or an applied science Contributions of Functionalism Consequences of the shift in emphasis from structure to function Research on animal behavior Incorporated studies of infants children and people with mental disabilities Supplemented the introspective method with data obtained from other methods By 1930 the functional victory was complete

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UNT PSYC 4600 - Chapter 7 Notes pt. 2

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 4
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