UB SOC 101 - Deviance and Social Control

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SOC101 1nd Edition Lecture 9 Outline of Current Lecture I Deviance and Control A Deviance perceived violation of norms 1 Depends on reaction 2 Relative to culture and context II Crime B Crime specific form of deviance Stigma Erving Goffman 1963 Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity stigma is not static cultural norms change over time III 3 types 1 Physical Traits 2 Personal Traits 3 Tribal Traits e g ethnicity nationality religious groups that lead to a normative religion nationality or group IV Symbolic interactionist A Differential association theory learn to deviate or conform to association to their groups 1 The learned criminal behavior through association leads to criminal behavior Juvenile delinquents have family that are Juvenile delinquents or are in the same neighborhood Sociologist can t explain why they became deviant criminals only how V Social Control theory A Inner controls What is right and what is wrong Limits people s engagement in deviance crime B Outer controls Significant people in your life can be authoraitve Connected to people around them they ll voluntary make sure that they are not going deviant C To bonds attach leads to more effective they can be 1 Sense of Accomplishment how much they care about 2 Sense of commitment to society These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best Used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 3 Sense of Involvement how much time to invest in legitimate activities 4 Belief that deviance behavior doing wrong is wrong don t belong the four bonds come through early socialization that fosters it VI Labeling theory Label as deviant criminal makes a person more likely to engage that the person will be deviant Become what others think we are self filing prophecy IN ACTION process 1 2 3 4 5 6 Initial criminal act Detection prosecution by the CJS Criminal Label Creation of a new public identity Acceptance of label Deviance amplification Labeling theory Syps Matza have boys that resist the label as a Juvenile Delinquent A Resist labels through techniques of neutralization Denial of responsibility Denial of injury Denial of victim Condemnation of the condemners who are you to judge me Appeal to higher loyalty VIII Embrace labels take pleasure in being deviant A Children that show negative behavior Antisocial Bad performance in school Criminal justice system don t explain crime rates don t affect ones behavior attitude behavior are not naturally correlated B Functionalist perspective of deviance Normal natural part fulfill natural functions keeps society moving smoothly IX Durkheim 1 Clarifies moral boundaries norms what s okay and what is not 2 Promotes social unity while affirming guidelines 3 Promotes social change with enough support rethink of boundaries doing it X Function Strain theory Robert Merton motivation for crime by society not from people who you are associate with by society values we hold dear A Cultural Structure 1 Culturally defined goals e g American with wealth as a goal B Social Structure Initial means to achieve these goals e g get a good job normative appropriate way of achieving wealth not everyone has the social structures access to resources vs goals XI Merton s Adaptations to Strain A Anomie series of normalishness when norms break down XII Conflict theory group in power that use law to maintain power over other groups in society B C D E Criminal justice system Maintain power of the elite Instrument of oppression Lower class come down on them to prevent social unrest to maintain status quo The ones that are on top stay on top Graphs Rate of incarnation Population increases 43 Crime rate 764 Of the US population 43 US incarnation 73 prisons function to keep rebellious people off of the street

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UB SOC 101 - Deviance and Social Control

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