CU-Boulder FILM 3660 - Marcel Duchamp
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FILM 3660 1nd Edition Lecture 14 Outline of Last Lecture October 6 2014 1 Source Materials of Pierrot le fou 2 Historical Cobtext of Pierrot le fou 3 Cinema Forms of Pierrot le fou 4 Ethical problem of Pierrot le fou Outline of Current Lecture October 8 2014 I Nopal Cactus Rembrandt II Duchamp The Bottlerack III The Readymade IV The First Independent s Exhibition of ART V Duchamp The Bride Stripped by her Bachelors VI Index VII Automatic vs Autographic Paintings VIII TOPHAT QUESTIONS Current Lecture I Nopal Cactus Rembrandt These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute How do these relate The red color comes from the juice from that Nopal Cactus and the bugs who feed off of it The way to generate paint is with an understanding of nature that you can combine nature with oils and acrylic natural product manipulated and turned into culture Duchamp The Bottlerack Bottlerack Duchamp What happened between the times of Bottlerack and Rembrandt Industrialization of paint and of art You no longer had to go into nature to get art Why does this Bottlerack still fit into the history of art Duchamp says I am no longer a maker of paint I am a chooser of what is art The Readymade Man can no longer start from scratch they can only be recreated from 2 ready made things like even his own mother and father As soon as artists are no longer responsible for the sources or materials they are using to create art they cannot have the same sensual relationship with there art Duchamp says instead of using paint and painting something lets just skip that whole thing and re use a ready made Originality is compromised and the readymade does not hide that fact Readymade an appropriated object positioned as art Painting with Green Center by Kandinsky is made to make us feel life chaotic exuberance a spiritual experience Duchamp responds to this with a shovel and saying That paint is just a splatter of the readymade no originality not real art The First Independent s Exhibition of ART in NY Duchamp snuck in the contest and entered a artistic urinal his piece got thrown out of the exhibit and that s all that anyone remembers Duchamp s Point 1 Creativity from Craft and technical skill how do I make a work of art after I cut off my hands Can you YES Deskilling You do not need hands of gold to be a good artist and make good works of art 2 By taking art out of its context and placing it somewhere else we give it new functions 3 What extent is craft or skill indispensible It isn t 4 Can anything be a work of art In a museum Institutional Critique artists see that museums frame the work of art Unmediated access to works of art is taken over by institutional works of art Duchamp The Bride Stripped by her Bachelors 1 Transparency you can t change the mood of this art because you can see through it and it is transparent 2 There is the work of art and a linguistic substance green box that helps us understand it Instantaneous state of rest The expression extra rapid Rapid shutter this is a photograph with realism and verism and resistance to interpretation 3 This is a photograph not a painting or sculpture INDEX Charles Sanders Peirce 1839 1914 1 Icon Resemblance to an object self portrait 2 Symbol Conventional relation to object lion courage 3 Index Physical relation to object footprint in the sand trace that shows you an event that happened it preserves the event of its own making The Index An unrepeatable moment when some surface in the world has been wounded by and object and preserves that wound forever The way the external forces of the world hit art and leaves a mark or creates art Examples Francis Picabia The Blessed Virgin Duchamp Three Standard Stoppages Chance deskilling undoing the role of composition in the making of a work Works of art as woundable sources NOTHING IN THE WORLD IS SAFE Automatic vs Autographic Paintings Automatic the inimitable signature like dribble of paint that would translate private feelings and emotions directly onto the material field of canvas without the mediation of any figurative content Yve Alain Bois 1 2 3 4 The automatic Jackson Pollock All other abstract expressionists vs Duchamp Composition in the place of spontaneity Trademark style in the place of simple gesture These artists long for means a language that will formulate as exactly as possible what is emotionally real to them as separate persons Rosenberg thinks that these works escape mass commodification these paintings have DEPTH TERMS TO KNOW FOR RECITATION FRIDAY 1 Medium Specificity 2 The Flat bed picture plane 3 A happening TOPHAT QUESTIONS Answer THE INDEX ANSWER INDUSTRIALLY MANUFACTURED TUBES OF PAINT ANSWER TRANSLATES THE PRIVATE FEELINGS

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CU-Boulder FILM 3660 - Marcel Duchamp

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 5
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