KIN 3304 1nd Edition Lecture 17 Outline of Last Lecture I Hormones can be II Subdivisions of ANS III Sympathetic Stimulation IV When Activation Occurs V Endocrine Glands VI A A Derivatives VII Peptide Hormones VIII Steroid Hormones IX Hypothalamus and Endocrine Regulation X Pituitary Gland XI Neurohypophysis XII ADH XIII Oxytocin XIV Adrenohypophysis XV Adrenal Cortex XVI Kidneys and Heart Outline of Current Lecture I Heart Releases Hormones These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute II Pancreatic Islets III Regulating Bone Growth IV Vitamin D V Parathyroid Hormone VI Calcitonin VII GH and T4 VIII Estrogen and Testosterone IX Disorders Current Lecture I Heart Releases Hormones a ANP Atrial Natriuetic Peptide b BNP Brain Natriuetic Peptide c Both suppress ADH aldosterone release d Stimulate water and sodium ion loss at kidneys i Huge BP blood volume decreases II Pancreatic Islets a Aggregations of endocrine cells in pancreas i Alpha Cells Glucagon 1 Raises glucose levels increase glycogen breakdown glucose release by liver ii Beta Cells Insulin 1 Lowers blood glucose by increasing glucose uptake util iii Delta Cells Somatostatin 1 Inhibits production secretion of glucagon insulin 2 Slows down food absorption along digestive tract iv F Cells PP Pancreatic Polypeptide 1 Inhibits gallbladder contractions regulates production of pancreatic enzymes III Regulating Bone Growth a Growth requires constant Ca2 phosphate salts Mg other mineral b Dietary Vitamin A C are essential c Group of Steroids known as Vitamin D play a role in Calcium metabolism IV Vitamin D a Absorption transport of Ca2 phosphates Na ions b Active form of Vitamin D calcitron i Synthesized in kidneys V VI VII VIII IX ii Dependent upon cholecalciferol 1 Absorbed via diet 2 Synthesized in presence of UV radiation Parathyroid Hormone a Released by parathyroid glands b Stimulates osteoclast osteoblast activity c Increase Ca2 absorption in small intestine d Decrease Ca2 loss in urine e Requires calcitrol i Produced in kidney Calcitonin a Secreted by C thyrocytes C cells within thyroid gland of children and pregnant women b Restores homeostasis when Ca2 ion is abnormally high i Inhibits osteoclasts ii Increases bone deposition rate GH and Thyroxine T4 a Produced in pituitary and thyroid glands respectively b Stimulates bone growth c Maintains normal activity at epiphyseal cartilages until puberty d Athletes pick up diseases sometimes when they receive synthetic GH Estrogen and Testosterone a Stimulates osteoblasts i Produces bone faster than epiphyseal cartilage b Over time cartilages narrow and ossify close c Primary function of these sex hormones maintains bone mass in adults normally Disorders a Acromegaly excessive GH released post puberty i Gigantism if hyper secretion before puberty ii Pituitary Dwarfism if not enough production b Achondroplastic Dwarfism i Abnormal epiphyseal activity ii Slow cartilage growth adult has short stocky limbs with normal trunk size iii Abnormal gene chromosome 4 affects a fibroblast growth factor c Osteomalacia Rickets i Inadequate Ca2 or Vitamin D ii Decreased mineral content 1 Softens bones iii Matrix doesn t accumulate enough Ca2 salts iv In the US children only get this disease by neglect d Osteopetrosis i Decreased ostetoclast activity ii Skeletal mass gradually increases iii Remodeling stops 1 Bone shape changes 2 Results in deformation e Osteogenesis Imperfecta i Impaired osteoblast and fibroblast function ii Bones are fragile 1 Multiple fractures in life few to hundreds iii Tendons and ligaments affected loose iv 4 Types 1 Worst form fatal after birth v Bones break when someone falls or simply sneezes vi AKA Brittle Bone Disease f Marfan s Syndrome Abe Lincoln i Defect in CT structure 1 Affects fibrillin protein 2 Abnormally on Chromosome 15 ii Long slender limbs results from excessive cartilage formation at epiphyseal cartilage iii Arterial wall weakness can be dangerous 1 This can result in a stroke because the arteries can burst at any time
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