TEL T205 1st Edition Lecture 7 The One With All The Late Breaking News I Realism Video Games A B The same dimensions of realism in games apply 1 Difference emphasis that gets placed on them 2 Same dimensions apply foundationally Perceptual persuasiveness 1 How real it is to interact with the conent 2 Realism of the input device 3 Controlling the action becomes a bigger part of the realism 4 Natural Mapping how natural the movements in the game are a The more natural the movements in the game the more we can be able to forget about the input device fully escape into environment b Does not mean mimicking real life actions real motion does not equate to natural mapping 5 Graphics and sounds a 1st video game pong replicated ping pong people played loved b play C Atari basketball old terrible graphics however people loved to 1 now These games were fun in different ways then games are fun 2 It is just a change in experience More realism does not mean more fun These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 1 The Uncanny Valley a Technology for games make it look so realistic however some things are still a little off so it does not look too realistic b Too realistic makes humans feel disgust and aversion c EX Akiba Robot Actroid female robot looked too real it scared people 2 Why do we not like too much realism a We pay attention to the similarities when they have familiar real features b When they look too much like us we pay attention to dissimilarities c We have an evolutionary survival skill that makes us feel disgust to things that look very real or human but not quite natural D Artificially holding graphics back why 1 Fear of entering the uncanny valley 2 Does not make sense financially if they are not going to sell more games a This increased realism changes the experience but not always for the better E Do players want increased realism next step reality 1 Increased realism makes emphasis on the narrative backstory more important a Ex No one ever needed a backstory to pac man we do not care b EX The division photo realistic future post apocalyptic society plausibility becomes important 1 Violation of plausibility pulls us out of the game and experience in ways we never would have before 2 2 PLAUSIBILITY MATTERS Increased role of empathy and morality a Start to feel emotions like guilt b The more realistic the game the more we do not like making moral decisions and more just want to play through the game 3 Decreased Flow a Goal driven and tasks we want to achieve use to be the main importance of video games b Now there is emphasis on the narrative which decreases the flow of the game 1 Tasks become secondary making increased realism a problem F Why does this matter 1 Effects enjoyment 2 Potential effects a Violence 1 If we are playing in a flow mode game our brain is not processing as acts of aggression and intent to harm 2 If realism is greater narrative driven game we are acting in the game with intent to harm and making decisions a Brain processing differently can see potential effects in society because of it
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