UH KIN 3304 - Endocrine System

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KIN 3304 1nd Edition Lecture 16 Outline of Last Lecture I CDV System II Lots of Tubing III Normal Layers of Arteries IV 3 Layers of Artery and Vein Walls V Layering Gives Strength VI Differences Between Arteries and Veins VII Different Types of Arteries Veins VIII Elastic IX Muscular Arteries X Arterioles XI Capillaries XII Sinusoids XIII Veins XIV Venous Valves XV Distribution of Blood XVI Arteriosclerosis Outline of Current Lecture I Hormones can be These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute II Subdivisions of ANS III Sympathetic Stimulation IV When Activation Occurs V Endocrine Glands VI A A Derivatives VII Peptide Hormones VIII Steroid Hormones IX Hypothalamus and Endocrine Regulation X Pituitary Gland XI Neurohypophysis XII ADH XIII Oxytocin XIV Adrenohypophysis XV Adrenal Cortex XVI Kidneys and Heart Current Lecture I Hormones can be a Endogenous from within the body b Exogenous from outside the body i These are examples 1 HRT 2 Performance Enhancing a Anabolic Androgens steroids i Natural testosterone b Catabolic Steroids i Cortisol Know the image of the guy with the hormones all around him II Subdivisions of ANS a 2 major divisions i Sympathetic and parasympathetic ii In general 1 Parasympathetic dominates at rest sympathetic dominates during stress iii Excitation and inhibition III Sympathetic Stimulation a Can change organ tissue activation by released catecholamines epi norepi in blood stream b Sympathetic activation entire division response controlled by sympathetic centers in hypothalamus IV When Activation Occurs a Increase alertness stimulation of reticular activating system now on edge b Intensive to painful stimuli increase energy c Increase cardiovascular respiratory center activity i Increase in strength HR BP respiration rate depth d Increase muscle tone looks tense shivers e Mobilization of energy reserves i Increase breakdown of glycogen V Endocrine Cells a Glandular secretory cells i Release hormones directly into blood lymphoid system interstitial fluid etc ii Any organ releases hormones VI A A Derivatives a Small molecules similar to a a structurally b Thyroid hormones c Catecholamines epi norepi i Most important d Tryphophan melatonin i Lots in steak VII Peptide Hormones a Chains of AA b Largest group i All pituitary hormones are peptide hormones VIII Steroid Hormones a Derived from cholesterol b Released by reproductive organs suprarenal glands c Cortisol estrogen testosterone etc d Altered by age when you get older you don t produce as much at menopause women don t produce estrogen IX Hypothalamus and Endocrine Regulation a Hypothalamus regulates nervous and endocrine system activities in 3 ways i Regulatory hormones ii Acts as an endocrine organ iii Direct neural control over cells of the suprarenal medullae X Pituitary Gland a Small size of grape but loaded with good stuff b Two lobes i Adenohypophysis anterior lobe ii Neurohypophysis posterior lobe XI Neurohypophysis a Contains axons and terminals of 50 000 hypothalamic neurons b ACH and oxytocin nurturing hormone and neurosecretions from neurons released into hypohyseal artery i Then to general circulation XII ADH anti dieuretic hormone a Aka vasopressin b Increase in electrolyte concentration in blood or fall in BP or Blood Volume c Primary Function decrease water loss at kidneys d Also increase BP by constricting periphesial vessels XIII Oxytocin a Stimulates smooth muscle contraction in uterus i Required for normal labor and childbirth ii Also contractile myo epithelial cells surround mammary secretion cells iii Suckling by infant stimulation release milk release b In males causes smooth muscle contraction in prostate gland XIV Adrenohypophysis 7 main hormones a TSH thyroid stimulating hormone i Triggers release of thyroid hormone b ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone i Steroid hormone by suprarenal gland ii Specifically GC gluco corticoids c FSH i Developed by oocytes gametes within ovaries ii Secretion of estrogens estradiol of nature iii In males gonadotropes for sperm production d LH i In females ovulation and progestin Steroids that prepare body for pregnancy such as progesterone ii In males androgens Testosterone e Prolactin i Stimulates development of mammary glands milk ii Regulated by estrogen progestone GH GCs iii Function not known in males although males can lactate f GH growth hormone or HGH or somatotropin i Huge response in skeletal muscle development ii Fantastic results reported by athletes iii All cells respond to some degree g MSH melanocyte stimulating hormone i Stimulates melanocytes of skin ii Increases melanin production and distribution skin color know image of the hypothalamus hormones and pituitary hormones XV Adrenal Cortex a Produces more than 2 dozen steroids i Corticosteroids ii Vital if not available will not celebrate many birthdays b MC mineral corticoids i Electrolyte component of body fluids c Aldosterone TQ i Ionic composition of water in urine ii Retains NA waste reduces fluid loss in urine iii Reduces Na water loss of sweat salivary glands iv Promotes loss of K in urine d ACTH from pituitary gland produces GC in AC e Cortisol i Increases blood sugar metabolism decreases immune function ii Counteracts insulin iii Anti diuretic hormone iv Flash bulb memory when with epinephrine 1 Creates memory of short term emotional events XVI Kidneys and Heart a Renin converts angiotensinogen to angiotensin 1 converted to angiotensin 2 in lungs i Stimulates secondary of aldosterone increases blood volume increases BP b Erythropoietin RBC produced in bone marrow i More EPO means more O2 ii Must be really dehydrated when given this c Calcitriol secreted in presence of PTH i Increases Ca2 in blood TQ about ACE inhibitors

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UH KIN 3304 - Endocrine System

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