HD 300 1st Edition Lecture 12 Outline of Last Lecture I Demographics II Types of Sexual Abuse III Preconditions IV The perpetrator V Issue of Consent VI Incest a Myths about incest VII Factors contributing to sexual abuse a Childhood experiences of the offender b Cultural norms c Vulnerable role relationships d Partner characteristics e Factors that make the child readily available to the abuser f Factors affecting self esteem of perpetrator g Child factors Outline of Current Lecture I Child incest victims a Physical symptoms II Adult Survivors a Psychiatric syndromes associated with III Reporting IV Andrew Vachss Interview video V Introduction to Sexual Abuse outside the home VI Pedophilia VII Pedophiles VIII Treatment IX Types of Pedophiles Current Lecture Child Incest Victims Internal and external behavior problems Psychological problems Physical symptoms o Walk funny maybe due to a sexually transmitted disease o Odor o Blood or other drainage on underwear o STDs These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Pregnancy o Bruising or laceration on genitalia rectal area or inner thighs Age inappropriate sexual behavior Reluctance to be with a certain person o Don t want to be left with abuser Adult Survivors Almost every known psychiatric syndrome has been reported in association with past sexual abuse including o Frigidity or promiscuity o Delinquency o Depression o Suicidal ideation attempts completion o Phobias o Psychosis including post partum o Eating disorders o Anxiety attacks o Post traumatic stress disorder o Dissociative disorders Includes multiple personality dissociative identity disorder 95 have had history of sexual abuse Reporting Disclosure is problematic o The absence of visible scars o The tendency of the victim to accept responsibility for the abuse o The strong emotional bond between the child and the perpetrator o Identification is contingent upon the actions of the victim or family members Unit 11 Sexual Abuse Extra Familial Andrew Vachss Interview In order to forgive you must o Get angry seek vengeance o I m sorry it wasn t your fault they should tell you that 3 types of offenders o Inadequate o Crazy psychiatric o Evil hurt for own pleasure and profit choice of conduct What is a chicken hawk o Elders Picking up young victims o people hanging out around public places looking for young vulnerable children The perpetrator identifies and threatens what o Source of love The least safe place for a child o Their own home To feel is To act is o Sick evil Children of the secret o There are so many adults that are survivors of abuse could make an entire voting flock Crime for which you are least likely to be arrested o incest Oprah law o National registry o Sexual felony Introduction Children are o Vulnerable to sexual abuse from many individuals o often placed at risk by inadequate parental supervision or judgment More juveniles are offending o approx 50 of victims report their offender was under age 20 o 50 70 of perps begin offending in their teens Females molested outside of the home o 15 by strangers Pedophilia Term derived from two Greek words o Philia love o Pedeiktos young children Pedophiles Individuals who have a sexual interest in children Choose careers that put them in contact with children o Teachers YMCA youth scout leaders camp counselors Hang out in places where children congregate o Parks malls arcades playgrounds Seek relationships with children because o View children as non conflictual partners o Think children can satisfy their emotional needs o Sexual orientation gratification is associated with children o Start offending early o Many do not limit their offenses to one type of victim multiple paraphilias o No one typical child molester personality profile Present with a number of personality styles and psychopathology o Pedophilia may have a biological basis research is still ongoing Genetic o Hormonal Endocrine offenders tend to project blame and fail to take responsibility for their actions 5 levels of denial Denial of fact Denial of responsibilit y Denial of sexual intent Denial of wrongfulness Denial of selfdetermination Treatment Effectiveness of treatment questioned o Behavior may be altered underlying pathology resistant to treatment General consensus is that pedophilia cannot be cured Recidivism rates going back to doing the same activity o Lower for those who have been treated o Rates increase over time o Range from 10 60 Types of Pedophiles Situational molester regressed o No interest in children until adult relationships break down o Often married o Usually prefer adult partner o Offending may be associated with a crisis o Abuse is less frequent
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