TEL T 205 1st Edition Lecture 6 The One Where Things Are About to Get Real er I How real is it continued A B The reality of editing The importance of context 1 Premise of most reality TV shows are highly unusual or stressful which effect behavior 2 II Not surprising to see people behave out of character How real do we think it is A Our Perception events are factual behavior is real this is a misperception B Fundamental Attribution Error underlying human bias 1 If making judgments about someone else we blame the individual instead of the context 2 If making judgments about ourselves we blame the context a Ex When driving if we make a mistake we think of excuses however if someone else on the road makes a mistake we immediately think they are stupid and terrible drivers C How perception impacts enjoyment These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 1 This misperception enhances our performance 2 We believe it is accurate information even if it s not a Ex Deadliest catch is watched by many scene that shows the boat leaking while caught in a storm and lots of distraught people aboard the ship leaked that the scene was not accurate and editing heightened the true scenario ratings went down III Why Do Perceptions Of Reality Matter A Cultivation Theory The more media we consume the more our views of the world match the media world and the less our views of the world match reality 1 Ex Teen Mom claims to be demonstrating what it s like to be a single teen mother show does not follow what a real life teen mom actually does a Misperception the show shows the mothers social life with friends families boyfriends fathers b Actual teen mothers spend majority of their time interacting with their child rather than have such a social like c Studies exemplify the more kids watch the show the more they think that the show is real life the more positive views they have on teen parenthood 2 Ex Violent Crime a People start to think violent crime is high in reality because media exposes us to it b Increased fear of violent crimes more likely to believe they will be a victim of violent crime c This leads to unusual behavior such as being over protective of their children not letting them ride their bike around the neighborhood 3 Ex Stereotyping Media enhances perceptions of groups a The information we are getting about groups from the media is not likely the case b Islam if people based their beliefs about Islam based on media they would have a skewed perception c Africa our perceptions about what is Africa exotic and tribal comes from the media IV Perception to Behavior A Columbia University Study of Social Media Reality TV 1 Binge Drinking among teenagers linked between social media use and reality TV a Why does social media influence 1 Next step reality social media is factual but not typical shows lots of photos partying assume that this is what you are doing 2 The more we consume it the more our perceptions of what are friends are like are different from reality
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