IUB JOUR-J 110 - 1. What is difference between Mass Communication and Mass Media?

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J110 1ST Edition Lecture 10 Outline of Last Lecture I II III IV V VI History of TV News TV News and Politics Wake Up to News Cable News TV Today Why TV News Matters Outline of Current Lecture I Review of Lectures 1 9 1 What is difference between Mass Communication and Mass Media a Mass Communication is the process and Mass Media is the channel b Mass Communication is a lot of people using Mass Media which is social networks c Mass Communication and Mass Media are the same thing d None of the above 2 Which of the following is an example of vertical integration a Newspaper buys delivery truck b Newspaper buys radio station c Newspaper buys TV station d B C 3 Which of the following makes money on a Long Tail model a Amazon b CBS Television c A B d None of the above 4 Which of the following is an example of horizontal integration a Radio buys TV station b TV station buys newspaper c Newspaper buys delivery truck d A B 5 Which type of media was the first to be supported primarily by advertising revenue and consumed by large numbers of people a Political Flyer b Penny Press papers c Radio d TV 6 Why did the paper Publick Occurrences only last for one edition a No one bought it b The news was fake c Government intervention d None of the above 7 What news company is known as News McNuggets a The Wall Street Journal b Headline News c USA Today d None of the above 8 Journalism of assertion is known for which of the following a Being assertive b Accuracy c Speed d B C 9 Which channel drastically changed TV news landscape in 1980 a Fox b PBS c CNN d Headline News 10 Who was the first woman news anchor a Barbara Walters b Mary Tyler Moore c Barbara Bush d None of the above 11 Image bites a Are more effective than sound bites b Can help swing the vote in a presidential election c A B d None of the above 12 WCBW was the first to interrupt scheduled TV program to broadcast which event a Bombing of Pearl Harbor b Bombing of Hiroshima c JFK s assassination d Lincoln s assassination 13 What explains how Prosocial Media works a Social learning theory b Emotional competency theory c Schema theory d All of the above 14 Which is an example of the 3rd person effect a We think media affects us more than others b We think media affects everyone the same c We think media affects others more than us d We think media has no effect on anyone 15 Which is an example of Mean World Syndrome a Violence on TV makes viewers commit crimes b Violence on TV makes viewers feel like their surroundings are dangerous c Violence on TV has no effect on people d None of the above 16 Which is NOT a rationale behind increased media globalization a U S has become more saturated b It is easy for media companies to dominate over others c Advertisers pay more for content from International sources d Low cost of making similar products 17 Which is not an attribute of Journalism of Verification a Multiple sources b Going beyond what sources say c Providing answers d All of the above 18 Journalism of Verification values a Truth in context b Answers c Speed d All of the above 19 In Journalism of Assertion a News sources have most control b Reporters have most control c Audience has most control d Control is equal between all three 20 Journalism of Affirmation is marked by a Speed b Ideology c Verified facts d None of the above Answer Key 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 A A A D B C C C C A C A D C B C C A A B

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