FILM 3660 1nd Edition Lecture 10 Outline of Last Lecture September 23 2014 I PETER BURGER Theory of Avant Garde II Modernist Practices and Redefinition III Les Nouveaux Realistes IV Post Modern War Art Outline of Current Lecture I Notes for Chapter 5 6 Quiz The Society of Spectacle Current Lecture Chapter 5 What do societies focus on in Chapter 5 to enable them to span time Writing The religious appeal to God is analogous to the peasant appeal to the according to Chapter 5 Feudal Lord Who is representative of a person leaving cyclical time in Chapter 5 Pilgrim What was the first ruling class for which labor was a value according to Chapter 5 Bourgeoisie What kind of religion was a compromise between myth and history according to Debord Monotheistic Chapter 6 What does Debord use as an example of the spectacle in his discussion of life and death in Chapter 6 Life Insurance Debord states at the end of Chapter 6 that the world has the of another kind of time Dream These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute
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