WSU HD 300 - Neglect
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HD 300 1st Edition Lecture 8 Outline of Last Lecture I Physical Abuse Defined II Overview a Physical abuse b Physical abuse continuum c Types of physical abuse III Catastrophic Abuse a CCM defined b Categories of CCM c Proposed legislation IV Response of the Medical Community a Background Information b The role of the physician c ER Protocols d Red Flags on Patient History e Red Flags on Exam f Injuries commonly seen in the ER g Typical Sites for abusive markings h Types of markings Outline of Current Lecture I Neglect a General definition b Legal definition c SES d Selective Neglect e Fatal Neglect f Parental Investment g Maternal Deprivation These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute h Features of Maternal Deprivation i Profound Neglect j Non Organic Failure to Thrive k Psychosocial Dwarfism Current Lecture Neglect I General Definition a Failure to provide minimally adequate care and attention to basic for child b Tempered by notion of community standards of care c Consistent omission of care considered neglectful in all communities II Legal Definition a Inadequate physical care b Inadequate supervision c Absence of or inadequate health care d Lack of prenatal care e Cruel or abusive treatment f Exploitation of child s earning capacity g Unlawfully keep child out of school h Exposing child to criminal or immoral influence III SES a Negative correlation between income and neglect IV Selective Neglect a Any combination of medical nutritional physical or emotional neglect of a child b In comparison to other children in family or to children in equivalent circumstances c In some cultures girls and later borns receive lesser standard of care d In some families 1 child is object of neglect i Not all of the children V Fatal Neglect a 2 types can lead to child s death i Failure to provide for child s needs starvation dehydration 1 Failure to provide medical intervention ii Lack of adequate supervision 1 Leading to accidents a Child runs into traffic b Drowns c Gets into toxic medications VI Parental Investment a Crucirla to child s survival b Rejection vulnerability c Total maternal rejection death d Requires considerable time e Parents have a choice VII Maternal Deprivation a Of all forms of neglect MD had most lasting effects on children s emotional well being b Early separation from mother results in widespread behavioral and psychological consequences that may endure for years VIII Features of MD a 1st inconsolable crying b 2nd withdrawl c Flat effect d Constant eventless rocking e Developmental delays f Unable to initiate in social interaction IX Profound Neglect a Reactive attachment disorder i Incapable of loving ii Incapable of empathy iii May be dangerous to other children iv Physiological changes begin that appear to be irreversible for most part X Non Organic Failure to Thrive a Primary cause emotional neglect b Below 5th percentile in height and weight after having been in normal range c Delay in psychomotor development d Apathetic flat affect e Anorexic not interested in eating XI Psychosocial Dwarfism a Symptoms of NOFTZ i Behavioral problems ii Bizarre eating patterns iii Hyperactivity iv Sleep walking v Bed wetting enuresis and soiling encoporesis

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