CU-Boulder FILM 3660 - Post War Art
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FILM 3660 1nd Edition Lecture 9 Outline of Last Lecture September 19th 2014 I Redefining Key Terms II New Key Terms Outline of Current Lecture September 23 2014 I PETER BURGER Theory of Avant Garde II Modernist Practices and Redefinition III Les Nouveaux Realistes IV Post Modern War Art Current Lecture PETER BURGER Theory of Avant Garde 1 Modernism Autonomy and Immanently normative the meaning and parameters experience are to be found exclusively in the work itself 2 The Historical Avant Garde 1913 1936 The critique of autonomy attempting to reposition practices within the life practice itself 3 The Neo Avant Garde 1955 The reduction of historical avant garde empty gestures and repetition 4 Historical vs Neo Avant Garde A dialectic of historical repression memory and an aggressive mode of enforces consumption and submission and condition of the spectacle Modernist Practices and Redefinition The readymade The collage The monochrome The grid Chancw Les Nouveaux Realistes Public Space Architectural Dimension The Discursive Apparatus of Consumer Culture These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute An Aesthetic of the Spectacularized Supplement Display Devices POST WAR ART Not just beatifying environment but also making the environment hostile a sicrilocam of catastrophe Huge temporary and must be removable People have to let go and continue on with their lives Advertisement Slashes Text under text under text under text layers of posters become beautiful Public spaces not there for socialized spaces or brainwashing they not cluttering our mind Our minds are cluttered by advertisements artists want to de clutter the problem with this is under the clutter there is more clutter Impossible to be purified Forced you to put slashed pieces back together in new and interesting ways Instead of going back into the past these pictures make you see something new and exciting in the future Do not admire my art take it and democratize it Yeve Klein Making a fake book with pictures he never made The forces of our lives are copyright and advertisements and we cannot escape them So he made fake pictures and put them in a fancy book Yeve Klein As much as you want an indulgent pure modernism Klein reminds you that we belong to a world of commodification and art is not immune to that Post modern Monochrome The Rothko Chapel Mark Rothko very spiritual and silent environment Conservative Socially invasive doesn t give power to other dominant forces in the world A cop out 1971 too late to do an art piece like this Arman You want to make a portrait of someone steal their stuff and put it in a clear box and call it art Our friends and love ones are not immune to commodity A memory of what people went through in concentration camps Night Fog Movie Clip Not unrelated to the way we treat PEOPLE We make a lot of different kinds of accumulation this is not pretty PETER BURGER CAN T BE RIGHT something new is going on in this kind of work

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CU-Boulder FILM 3660 - Post War Art

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 5
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