CU-Boulder FILM 3660 - The Situationist
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FILM 3660 1nd Edition Lecture 7 Outline of Last Lecture I Recitation Notes for Cognitive Mapping II Other Jameson Notes Outline of Current Lecture I Key Terms in The Situationist II Four Cultural Strategies Current Lecture Key terms in the Situationist discourse Everyday Life The leisure moments of un administered life Situations constructed events that merge the urban the aesthetic and the political Alienation Making 1000 lattes not being connected with others around our atmosphere or out creations Reification the human impersonation of inert and inanimate machines and images Commodity Fetishism the erroneous endowment of commodities with a magical power of their own getting turned on by a car Spectacle Social relation of humans to images FOUR CULTURAL STRATEGIES 1 La Derive going mindlessly from A to B without consciously home driving and not paying attention just showing p like what 2 Psycho geography Take a different route or way home so that we can break up the numbness of our mind Walking without direction or cause for mind expansion When we are in a rush and start to notice the things around you that have always been but you previously missed 3 Unitary Urbanism The construction and reconstruction of modular pieces this is an exciting strategy to avoid La Derive These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 4 Le Detournement You need to take something that already exists and find some alternative use for it so we can denote new meaning to it It isn t an accumulation of things it is a reinvented new way of making sense of things Creativity has nothing to do with originality it has everything to do with renovating redesigning ALEGORY

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CU-Boulder FILM 3660 - The Situationist

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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