CU-Boulder FILM 3660 - Externalization & Late Century Logic
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FILM 3660 1nd Edition Lecture 2 Outline of Last Lecture I II III IV Review of Hirshhorn s article 24 7 Crary The Postmodern Criteria of Crary The Postmodern Outline of Current Lecture I Art Wright s Cotton Mills by Night II Externalization III Late 19th Century Logic IV Late 20th Century Logic Current Lecture Hshieh One Year Performance Took pictures of himself punching in every hour for one year He missed 6 punches due to sleep sleep won these 6 times Sleep is a necessity Art Wright s Cotton Mills by Night by Joseph Wright painting at start of Chapter 3 in 24 7 One building in middle of nature scene unnatural lighting and unnatural paint as soon as we make factory s that make there own light and do not shut down at night we no longer rely on the sun Severing ourselves from the earth not relying on the sun we call this abstraction We create environments that separate us from the earth and each other Factory is to work as television is to attention There is never a time you can t be working our televisions put us to work Our hands are not producing but TV controls are eyes and attention TV is one more way we have interrupted the natural sleep pattern in the same way a factory would Human sensorium is constantly under pressure to be active awake and consuming The world sets you to work in this way we loose sensitivity in non visual ways We are de territorialized and loose our bodies Crary is concerned we will completely loose the natural world and have only a detached unnatural and artificial world Externalization Interface the idea that its not just YOU there is only you because there is a machine All of your energy and attention has been reformatted with the interface you use This is relational Power and control are no longer ours These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Late 19th Century logic of modernization Siemens Edison Eastman 41 2 An understanding of human needs as always mutable and expandable An embryonic conception of the commodity as potentially convertible into abstract flows whether of images sounds or energy Effective measures to decrease circulation time A clear vision of the reciprocities between hardware and software Late 20th Century Logic 42 More flexible and capillary models of control Docility and separation Distension expansion intensification 43

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CU-Boulder FILM 3660 - Externalization & Late Century Logic

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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