CU-Boulder FILM 3660 - The Postmodern
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FILM 3660 1nd Edition Lecture 1 Outline of Last Lecture N A Outline of Current Lecture I Review of Hirshhorn s article II 24 7 Crary III The Postmodern IV Criteria of Crary The Postmodern Current Lecture Review of Hirshhorn s article Ruin of traditional separation Modernity blends inside and outside No difference between inside and outside The contemporary mind inside is not safe the safe space of your brain is cluttered with trash Trash memories that are NOT your own Sleep and dreams have been colonized by economic rationality Sleep is being squeezed out of our lives so we become constantly productive adaptation to 24 7 world 24 7 Crary 24 7 World is the idea that NOTHING is your own post modern is equal to productive consumerism You become uncomfortable with any aspect of your life that you can t integrate into digital media This addiction to integration into the media WHAT DOES IT SAY ABOUT HOW IN CONTROL YOU ARE OF YOUR LIFE Sleep is last natural barrier of control If you can t keep up with the world you cannot escape being a disposable human being If you can t keep up with 24 7 then you are trash We are not separate inside space its just another piece of the inside world The Postmodern These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute The postmodern may be the end of visions hallucinations dreams daydreams distractions and this is problematic because we cannot in vision a world that we would rather live in Creativity uniqueness specialness is under assault Creation begins with recycle readymade already given to you ideas All artists are working with the loss of creativity Criteria of Crary The Postmodern 1 LIFE AND INSTITUTION no such thing as human life separated from institution We are always asked to be compatible with the institution we are in a relationship with 2 24 7 is the bid for control over sensory and perceptual experience 3 LIVING ORGAN DONOR Your organs already belong to people outside of you eyes to screens brain reformatted 4 Be careful of the illusion of individualism Is there an origin of power We are all sinking no responsibility

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CU-Boulder FILM 3660 - The Postmodern

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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