UH KIN 3304 - Strength Training and it's TRUE Meaning

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KIN 3304 1nd Edition Lecture 8 Outline of Last Lecture I II DOMS Why does one get DOMS III Atrophy IV What We Really Have V Isotonic Isometric Eccentric Contraction VI Velocity of Contraction VII Sensory Feedback VIII Muscle Spindle Apparatus IX Monosynaptic Stretch Reflex X Golgi Tendon Organ Reflex Outline of Current Lecture I Anabolics Androgenics II What is Strength I Absolute Strength Verkhoshansley III Repetitive Method not repetitions Current Lecture Read what articles he posted on BB II Anabolics Androgenics a Beta Blockers slow down heartbeat b hCG allows strength to continue while off drugs III What is Strength a Strength is relative These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute IV V b Types of Strength i Absolute Strength 1 Measure of maximal volitional muscular force 2 Time not a factor ii Speed Strength 1 Ability to quickly execute a movement against a relatively small external resistance 2 Assessed by speed of movement 3 Ex sprinting pitching in baseball iii Explosive Strength 1 Ability to express significant tension in a minimal period of time 2 Time is a factor 3 Ex vertical jump iv Strength Endurance 1 Ability to effectively maintain a muscular function under work conditions of long duration 2 Ex marathon Absolute Strength Verkhoshansley a Max tension one can develop i Measured on a dynamometer weight lifted b Displayed under isometric conditions or in a slow movement c 2 Methods to Develop he said to know this i Repetitive effort ii Brief maximal tension Repetitive Method not repetitions a Weight lifters should perform 6 10 sets of 1 3 reps main lifts i 5 6 exercises session including working sets b Produces an increase in strength without an increase in muscle mass c 85 95 if 1RM 3 5RM d Must adjust for other sports e For muscle mass 50 60 for large number of reps f 3 x 10 vs 10 x 3 same volume BUT different outcome you have 5 10 fast reps versus 30 fast reps g In between sets you are resting your energy system

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UH KIN 3304 - Strength Training and it's TRUE Meaning

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