WSU HD 300 - Child Abuse
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HD 300 1st Edition Lecture 1 Outline of Last Lecture I N A Outline of Current Lecture I What is child abuse II Abuse by commission III Abuse by omission IV Types of abuse V Incidence VI Contributing Factors VII PIESS model Current Lecture Unit 1 Child Abuse What is child abuse Definitions vary across culture time period individuals and families Definitional ambiguity makes it difficult to respond to the issue Abuse by Commission Child abuse refers to an act committed by a parent caregiver or person in position of trust o Not accidental o Harms or threatens to harm the child s physical health mental health or welfare Abuse by Omission Child neglect refers to an act of omission o Failure to provide for the child s basic needs and proper level of care o With respect to food clothing shelter hygiene medical attention or supervision Types of Abuse Physical abuse These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Emotional psychological abuse Sexual abuse Neglect physical emotional medical and academic Incidence More than 3 million reports per year in US o 6 reports minute o Ratio 45 1 000 Approx 2 000 children die each year from abuse neglect Rate of abuse nearly doubled btwn 1986 and 1993 a true rise Estimated 1 in 3 girls and 1 in 7 boys sexually molested by age 18 New Data 2011 HHS claims a decline in sexual abuse o Of perps 80 are parents and 6 are other relatives of the abused Incidence 2006 In the US o 1 3 2 3 of all child maltreatment cases involve substance abuse o Costs the US 124 billion to address the child s needs Cost per victim 210 012 00 In WA state o Of 87 CA fatalities in 2006 2 3 came from homes with drugs or alcohol abuse o Inland NW number of children placed in foster care doubled in past decade Driven by meth use Contributing Factors Why Cultural attitudes and norms History of abuse in the family cycle Presence of other forms of family violence Alcohol drug use in the family Characteristics of the child abuser Children can t protect or speak up for themselves Family structure Breakdown of the family Child rearing practices Poverty inequality Cultural change PIESS Model 5 areas of development o Physical o Intellectual o Emotional o Social o Spiritual All 5 areas of development are in some way connected

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