MSU BS 161 - Photosynthesis Part I
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BS 161 1st Edition Lecture 18 Outline of Current Lecture II Photosynthesis Current Lecture Finishing up cell respiration fermentation regenerate NAD so that glycolysis can continue even without oxygen produces 2 ATP per glucose molecule 2 kinds alcohol and lactic acid human muscles use lactic acid fermentation when there is a lack of oxygen Photosynthesis photosynthesis the process that converts solar energy into chemical energy autotrophs producers of the biosphere heterotrophs consumers of the biosphere chloroplasts similar and likely evolved from bacteria have their own circular DNA and bacteria like ribosomes similar to the mitochondria in animal cells leaves are the major location of photosynthesis get their green color from chlorophyll stomata pores that allow oxygen to exit and carbon dioxide to enter mesophyll interior tissue of leaves contain chloroplasts thylakoids connected sacs in chloroplast contains chlorophyll stacked in columns called grana stroma dense fluid in chloroplasts oxygen comes from splitting the water molecules photosynthesis is a redox process water is oxidized carbon dioxide is reduced light reactions energy capturing reactions calvin cycle carbon fixing reducing reactions wavelength difference between crests or troughs of waves determines type of electromagnetic energy photosynthesis is only concerned with visible light 400 700nm light consists of discrete particles called photons or quanta pigments molecules that absorb visible light

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MSU BS 161 - Photosynthesis Part I

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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