HD 300 1st Edition Lecture 5 Outline of Last Lecture I Family Ecosystem Outline of Current Lecture I Sibling Abuse a Types of sibling abuse i Physical ii Emotional iii Sexual II Treatment of Families that have abuse in them a Systems theory III Corporal Punishment a Discipline i Corporal punishment defined ii What constitutes pain iii Most common forms iv Federal Laws v State Laws Current Lecture Family ecosystem factors that can affect it Unemployment Social isolation o No support Low income poverty Unsafe neighborhood Crowding o Too many people in a small space Family health problems Sibling Abuse When is it sibling rivalry and when is it abuse Sibling abuse is the most common type of abuse o Even more than parental abuse More than 50 of adults report some sort of sibling abuse These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Abuser is usually older and bigger What is happening between siblings may reflect what parents are doing o Children watch parents and may mimic their behavior including abuse Rate decreases as age increases Most common when older sibling is in charge of the younger siblings It is an undetected problem o The abuse is not validated If child goes to parent parent will not discipline to correct behavior o Normal play can escalate into aggression o Abuse or sibling rivalry If the abuse becomes common and repetitive Reaction of either sibling can make it abusive Types of sibling abuse o Physical Hitting biting slapping shoving and punching Tickling to an extreme extent may cause injury Sobbing and throwing up may be side affects Life threatening actions Smothering with pillow choking baseball bat o Emotional Name calling ridicule degradation you re so fat and ugly I don t want to be seen with you Promoting fear Telling sibling there is a monster in the closet Threatening Cut off hair Destruction of toys or belongings Ripping off Barbie s head Torture or destruction of a pet o Sexual More common than father daughter incest Treatment of the Family that has abuse in it o 1 goal stop the abuse o Therapist will use systems theory in treatment One is going on with one family member will affect the other family members Family is a system everyone is connected Therefore the entire system needs treatment Profile of Abusive Parents o See handout Profile of Abused Child o See handout o Common between parents and child low self esteem Unit 5 Corporal Punishment Spanking Discipline What is discipline o The root word of the discipline is disciple follower o You want the child to admire you and follow your example Corporal Punishment o Corporal Latin corporalis from corpor corpus which means body Relating to or affecting the body Physical o Corporal Punishment Physical punishment o Definition Corporal punishment is the use of physical force with the intention of causing pain but not injury for the purpose of correction or to control the child s behavior What constitutes pain o How much pain is enough pain o How much force is necessary to cause enough pain o How can you measure that force o How can one determine whether the child has been injured Rule of thumb if it leaves a mark it is enough if it leaves a bruise that is physical abuse Most common forms o Spanking o Slapping o Hitting the child with objects Fly swatter to a baseball bat o Grabbing the child o Shoving o Can range from a swat to a beating A video shown in class o A lesson they will never forget o Now just over half of American families think it is acceptable to spank occasionally Federal Laws o No federal law that states no corporal punishment of children o 1957 corporal punishment banned in the US military o 1972 corporal punishment banned in US prisons State Laws o Wide variation between states Texas When disciplining a child you can use force but not deadly force Spanker is the parent or step parent or acting in loco parentis o Not okay if neighbor or store manager When the spanker believes that force is necessary to discipline the child New Hampshire Parent or guardian is justified in using force if he reasonably believes it necessary to prevent or punish misconduct Washington didn t get passed HB 3299 would have allowed any type of punishment that did not cause risk of death or permanent impairment
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