TEL T 205 1st Edition Lecture 1 Outline of Current Lecture Segmenting Audiences How to find your Niche Demographic Geographic Social Class Geo Demographic Still the most common method over Psychographic because information to geographic and demographic information is more widely and easily accessible Psychographic Psychologic profiling to create segments make predictions on their TV shows products they would buy Study their motivations personalities with the goal to find their behavioral patterns This is the most refined method to create your niche audience VALS system is the most common psychographic method Survey divides people into 6 primary motivations Thinkers Achievers Believers Experiencers Strivers Makers VALS is difficult and costly so it is still not common yet HOWEVER The principle behind VALS is more widespread Companies and corporations are looking to provide this type of segmentation Stages In Media Development Innovation Stage Technological component Marketing component For marketing to become widespread it is important to convince people they need it Ex Technological ability to make sliced bread was available 30 years before it was able to be marketed to consumers Wonder Bread Exemplifies how technological component is not enough Need to market not only to consumers but also producers Ex VHS vs Beta both companies were there technologically Beta even had better quality however VHS got porn producers to use their product Beta lost the producers therefore the audience This stage takes a very longtime compared to other stages Ex The internet US military Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 Realized if a missile was pointing at a communication hub it would wipe out all communication leading to the idea of decentralized communication network aka the internet was not until 1969 that a working model was created took another 10 years for civilians to have a working model and even then no one was using the internet in the 80 s another 10 years until a navigation system was created known as the world wide web and another 4 years before the 1 st browser was created in 1993 Netscape Still then needed marketing tactics AOL spent billions convincing people to use the internet Ex 2 3 D applications still in the innovative stage Many people say 3D TV s are on their way out struggling in convincing people that this product will fulfill a need HD at one point in time was in the same place Catalyst was sports which convinced people to buy the products 3 D working to adapt into other applications Penetration Stage Have gained economies of scale and can decrease costs Also have gained wider dispersion into the market Peak Stage Have made it to maximum dispersion as well as mass audiences Now have the masses and ability to change their content Maybe move away from their Niche target at first Decline There is now a penetration of some new technology that has caught up and threatening Adaptation In order to survive with the threat of new technology cutting into your dispersion you need to adapt Specialization usually because it cannot compete with the new medium Ex Radio had to start specializing such as top 40 country station etc
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