MSU BS 161 - Metabolism Part I
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BS 161 1st Edition Lecture 14 Outline of Last Lecture I Cell structure Outline of Current Lecture II Cell structure continued III Metabolism Current Lecture Intracellular junctiona Plasmodesmata channels between adjacent plant cells Tight junctions membranes of neighboring cells are pressed together preventing leakage of extracellular fluid Desmosomes anchoring junctions fasten cells together into strong sheets Gap junctions communicating junctions provide cytoplasmic channels between adjacent cells Cell fractionation used to separate the major cellular organelles Differential centrifugation used to fractionate cells into their component parts Metabolism powerpoint Chemical reactions Direction right spontaneous left nonspontaneous Rate Energy capacity to do work sources Sun autotrophs Breakdown of molecules to extract energy as we convert energy from one form to another heterotrophs At equilibrium forward rate reverse rate Keq products reactants Increase decrease in reactants products does not effect equilibrium CONSTANT If you increase reactants you increase products and vice versa If Keq 1 products reactants and vice versa Second law of thermodynamics in a spontaneous reaction entropy disorder randomness increases First law of thermodynamics energy within the universe is conserved deltaG deltaH TdeltaS G usable energy free energy H total energy enthalpy S non usable energy entropy

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MSU BS 161 - Metabolism Part I

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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