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SOC104 Study Guide for Exam 3 Fall 2024 Using This Guide Terms listed should not only be studied for definition but also for the application of concepts Core Concepts to Know Symbolic Interactionism Blumer Cooley Goffman Looking Glass Self Cooley Dramaturgy i e impression management backstage frontstage definitional disruption roles teams Rational choice theory choice structuring property Cornish and Clark Labeling theory Becker Chambliss Differential association theory Sutherland Becker Governmentality Panoptocism Foucault Neoliberalism Structure and agency Youth control complex Criminalization and Hypercriminalization Material criminalization symbolic criminalization symbolic punishment Overpolicing underpolicing paradox Code of the streets Organic capital Dummy smart Acting lawful Punished What are Rios main research questions in Punished What type of research methods does Rios use Who were the participants in Rios study Why did he choose to focus on young men s experiences within the criminal justice system and the youth control complex What is panoptocism and how does Rios use this concept to explain surveillance in the boys lives Foucault and Rios What are the political economic and demographic shifts that have occurred in Oakland in the second half of the 20th century Briefly sketch the history of racialized social control in Oakland How is the overpolicing underpolicing paradox connected to the code of the streets How does the code of the street contribute to a pervasive system of social control in the criminal justice system schools and the community How does misrecognition contribute to the criminalization of the boys How does Rios use misrecognition to help us better understand the boys desire for dignity and empowerment What are the different ways that the boys enact agency in their response to the youth control complex What is the Hyphy Movement and how does Rios argue it illustrates agency How is masculinity characterized within mainstream institutions and the criminal justice system Why do the young men adopt hypermasculinity in response to this How do the youth police interactions also contribute to hypermasculinity How did punitive social control impact the social relations between delinquent and non delinquent boys What is acting white What did Rios find regarding the delinquent boys in his study and the acting white stigma Why does Rios argue for a youth support complex How would the youth support complex transform the boys lives Be able to profile each of these boys in Rios study Jose Tyrell Spider Slick Ronny Lecture Material What are the various theories related to crime and deviance as covered in the lecture videos and who are the main theorists associated with each theory Describe William Chambliss study on the Saints and the Roughnecks Why was this study an important contribution to labeling theory What is symbolic interactionism How did symbolic interactionism break from the traditional forms of understanding in sociology at that time Explain Foucault s theory of governmentality How does his theory transform our understanding of power knowledge and social control What is neoliberalism What are some ideological goals and potential consequences of it What are some possible applications of it in policy and practice What is the punitive turn under neoliberalism How does Rios use a microsociological lens in his study See next page for a set of sample questions Sample Questions 1 Which of the following best describes neoliberalism a A conservative political ideology championing strong market regulation b A new liberal movement championing the free market c A cross party ideology championing free market ideologies d A cross party ideology championing strong government control 2 Which microsociologist critiqued positivism a Edwin Sutherland b Howard Becker c Erving Goffman d Herbert Blumer a Edwin Sutherland b Philippe Bourgois c Michel Foucault d William Chambliss 3 Differential association is associated with which theorist 4 How did the boys use of organic capital impact their lives a Organic capital was miscrecognized by mainstream institutions but served as a resilience strategy that allowed the boys to persist through exclusionary experiences b The boys use of organic capital in hip hop culture propelled these forms of capital to mainstream society and therefore provided the boys with a sense of dignity and empowerment c Organic capital was rejected by mainstream society and so became rejected by Black and Latino boys as they searched for their own experiences of dignity and empowerment d Organic capital saved the boys from being criminalized and harassed by educators and police officers 5 Which boy was unable to get help from the police after he lost his family s gallon of milk by being bullied by local gang members 6 A new political candidate is running for office They are championing political views that place a strong focus on cutting welfare spending and promoting a free market economy Which of the following political outlooks aligns with some of his political goals a Jose b Spider c Tyrell d Slick a Criminalization b Neoliberalism c Habitus d Liberalism

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