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WINE APPRECIATION FS470 FINAL EXAM 2024 What is Indiana s signature wine ANSWER Traminette What s California s most produced red wine ANSWER Cabernet Sauvignon What s California s most produced white wine ANSWER Chardonnay What 4 wineries produce 75 of the wine in the US ANSWER Gallo Wine Group Constellation Bronco What s Oregon s most produced red wine ANSWER Pinot Noir What s Oregon s most produced white wine ANSWER Pinot Gris What s Washington s most produced red wine ANSWER Cabernet Sauvignon What s Washington s most produced white wine ANSWER Riesling What are the 5 main wine regions of France ANSWER Champagne Burgundy Bordeaux Loire Rh ne Bordeaux is best know for what kind of wine ANSWER Blended reds What is the largest wine region in France ANSWER Bordeaux What are the 3 major wines from Germany ANSWER Riesling Muller Thurgau What is the most prestigious wine region of Germany ANSWER Rheingau Italy is most famous for what red wines ANSWER Sangiovese Barbera Italy is most famous for what white wines ANSWER Trebbiano Catarratto Pinot Noir Nebbiolo Chardonnay Sauvignon Blanc What s the small island off the coast of Portugal known for famous wine making ANSWER Madeira What region of Argentina represents 75 of their winemaking ANSWER Mendoza What is added to wine to prevent browning oxidizing and stop microbial growth ANSWER Sulfites How is white wine made ANSWER Destem Crush Press Ferment Juice What are the two ways to make red wine ANSWER Must fermentation Carbonic Maceration What is Must Fermentation ANSWER The fermentation of the skins seeds and stems of grapes What is Carbonic Maceration ANSWER Whole grapes are fermented in a carbon dioxide rich environment prior to crushing How are most rose wines made ANSWER Black skinned grapes are crushed and the skins are allowed to remain in contact with the juice for a short period typically one to three days What are the 2 ways to make sparkling wines ANSWER Champagne Method Charmat Method How is champagne made ANSWER A second fermentation occurs by adding extra sugar and yeast is in bottle How is Charmat made ANSWER The secondary fermentation happens in steel containers instead of bottles and the bottles are bottled under pressure How is burgundy made ANSWER Carbonic Maceration What are the two types of dessert wines ANSWER Late harvest Ice Wine Why do late harvest wines have more sugar ANSWER The grapes get shriveled having less water and therefore being more concentrated in sugar Where are most ice wines made ANSWER Canada Why do ice wines have more sugar ANSWER They re pressed while still frozen on the vine so less water is removed and therefore are more concentrated in sugar What are the two types of fortified wines ANSWER Port Sherry How is Port made ANSWER Fermentation is stopped early by adding brandy and is then aged in bottle How is Sherry made ANSWER Fortified by adding older distilled Sherry wine What US department controls wine ANSWER The Treasury How do winemakers get around the Phylloxera Crisis ANSWER Grafting

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