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WINE APPRECIATION EXAM 1 2024 WITH 100 ACCURATE SOLUTIONS Rank Pinot Noir Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot by color lightest to darkest ANSWER Pinot Noir Merlot Cabernet Sauvignon Rank Pinot Noir Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot by tannins least to most ANSWER Pinot Noir Merlot Cabernet Sauvignon What color is associated with the youngest red wine ANSWER Purple What wine fault produces a musty wet cardboard aroma What should you tell the store and ask them to do ANSWER Cork taint the wine is corked and to get a new one What does a sherry smell indicate ANSWER Oxidization What is a good general temperature for serving red wines What is an easy way to bring your red wine closer to this temperature ANSWER 60 65 degrees take out of the fridge and let warm up a bit Where does butter aroma come from ANSWER MLF Where does Black Currant aroma come from ANSWER The grape Where does vanilla aroma come from ANSWER Oak barrels Which of these pairs of grapes can produce wines that can have a green bell pepper aroma ANSWER Cabernet Franc and Sauvignon blanc Where did the Merlot grape originate ANSWER Bordeaux What type of wine relies on Botrytis Noble rot grapes for many or its aromas and flavors ANSWER Sauternes Which of these red grapes is considered the hardest to grow ANSWER Pinot noir If a winemaker thinks a wine is too acidic what are two things he might do to soften it ANSWER MLF tartrate stabilization Chardonnay ANSWER Buttery smell From Napa Valley US Originated in Burgundy France Famous in Cote de beaune Sauvignon Blanc ANSWER Citrusy From Marlborough New Zealand Orignated in Bordeaux France Famous in Loire Valley France Pinot Noir ANSWER Rasberry cherry From Willamette Valley Oregon Originated in Burgundy France Cool season grape Cabernet Sauvignon ANSWER Cranberry Oak From Napa Valley CA Originated in Bordeaux warm climate If you were at a restaurant with a group of people and some people were having chicken some salmon and some steak wines made from what grape would you suggest ordering ANSWER Pinot Noir What s a good temperature for white wines ANSWER 45 55 degrees

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Course: Nur 440-
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