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Baby Bio Lab Final Know why it is important that organ systems are interconnected and be able to give an example o It is important that organ systems are interconnected because they need to be in order to sustain life All body parts must work together and rely on each other to perform its individual function o The respiratory system relies on the muscular system for inhalation and exhalation o The immune system relies on the circulatory system to circulate the blood that contains the cells needed for immunity o These are just a few examples You can come up with your own Understand how the natural world is connected globally by its biotic and abiotic materials support biotic life o The nitrogen cycle is an example of how critical abiotic material is needed to o Bacteria changes nitrogen gas into nitrates o Plants then use the nitrates that bacteria have made in the soil to make o Animals then get their nitrogen by eating the proteins found in plants protein Mitosis Meiosis Cellular reproduction and general growth and repair of the body Asexual Genetically identical 2 diploid daughter cells 1 division Genetic diversity through sexual reproduction Sexual Genetically different 4 haploid daughter cells 2 divisions o When plants and animals die decomposers bacteria and fungi in the soil decompose their tissues converting the nitrogen in the proteins back into nitrogen gas in the atmosphere Know the difference between mitosis and meiosis Be able to name two products and two functions of meiosis o Two products sex cells and unique offspring o Two functions genetic diversity and the ability to create offspring Be able to name two products and two functions of mitosis o Two products diploid and somatic cells o Two functions creates body cells for growth and repair Be able to name two causes of DNA mutations in mitosis o Hereditary o Environmental sunlight carcinogens o Accumulation of mutated cells can cause cancer Understand homeostasis o A stable internal environment despite changes in the external environment o The network that controls and stimulates response to stimuli is the nervous system o Sweating to decrease internal temperature Be able to name two positive and two negative examples of bacteria fungus algae and protists o Positive food o Negative When bacteria is present in the digestive system to help break down Bacteria and nitrogen fixation in the nitrogen system Algae can be a food source Algae blocks sunlight which kills other plants Bacterial infections such as STI s Understand the difference between a hypothesis and a prediction o Hypothesis a tentative explanation that can be tested by the means of an experiment will most likely occur o Prediction using the information that you have collected to determine what Understand the difference between an observation and an inference o Observation any information gathered through at least one of your senses o Inference an assumption that is based on observations and past experiences Understand the difference between data and evidence o Data information collected during experiments o Evidence the product of interpretation of data Know why peer review is essential to science o Peer review is important because some scientists gather information that others have not that could contribute to a finding o Also it is important so that more tests could be conducted and errors could be corrected Be able to name and describe four human cell types o Nerve cells relays into and initiates action o Red blood cells supplies oxygen and returns CO2 o Epithelial skin cells protects and senses o Gametes sex cells eggs and sperm for reproduction Know the difference between stimulants and depressants o Stimulants stimulate the affected portion of the nervous system by either increasing the effect of an excitatory neurotransmitter or blocking the effect of an inhibitory one o Depressants they have the opposite effect because they either block the action of an excitatory neurotransmitter or increase the effect of an inhibitory one Understand why it is important to conduct an experiment more than once o It is important to conduct an experiment several times to collect the most accurate results and to make an outlier weigh less on a result Know why genetic variation is beneficial in a population of organisms o Having genetic variation is important for the survival of a species o Genetic variation allows certain organisms within a population to develop immunity to different things o For example some sea urchin eggs survived being in water with bleach o If it weren t for genetic variation sea urchins would go extinct along with Be able to explain two ways that meiosis generates genetic variation o Independent assortment homologous pairs can line up on either side of the other animals plane of cell division o Recombination the maternal chromosome may exchange some genetic material with the parental chromosome within a homologous pair creating chromosomes that are not exact copies of those in the original parent cell Know what gametogenesis is and know its two types o Gametogenesis production of gametes sperm and eggs o Spermatogenesis the production of four sperm from one spermatocyte o Oogenesis the production of one egg and three polar bodies from one oocyte takes place in the testes takes place in the ovaries Know the difference between bacterial and viral STI s o Bacterial can be treated with antibiotics o Viral cannot be treated because they replicate within your cells Be able to name the path sperm must take in order to achieve fertilization o Seminal testes o Epididymis o Vas deferens o Seminal vesicles o Urethra o Ovaries o Follicles o Fallopian tubes o Uterus Be able to name the path egg must take in order to achieve fertilization Be able to name three types of barrier contraceptives and three types of hormonal contraceptives o Barrier male condoms female condoms and withdrawal o Hormonal birth control pills IUD s and plan B pills Know the difference between dominant and recessive alleles o Dominant if the recessive allele is present the dominant allele is the noticeable one o Recessive if the dominant allele is present then the recessive is not visible and has not effect on the organisms appearance Know the difference between homozygous dominant homozygous recessive and heterozygous o Homozygous dominant FF when both of the present alleles are dominant o Homozygous recessive ff when both of the present alleles are recessive o Heterozygous Ff when

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FSU BSC 1005L - Baby Bio Lab Final

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