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Vulnerable Population and Self Awareness Paper Effective healthcare is dependent on understanding vulnerable individuals and populations with respect to biases and prejudices of healthcare providers According to de Chesnay 2008 Vulnerability is a general concept meaning susceptibility and its specific connotation in terms of healthcare is at risk for health problems p 3 Anyone can be vulnerable at different times in his or her life under specific circumstances According to de Chesnay 2008 Vulnerable populations are those at risk for poor physical psychological or social health Anyone can be vulnerable at any given point in time as a result of life circumstances or response to illness or events p 3 In order to render good healthcare healthcare providers need to be aware of their own vulnerability This paper will discuss the homeless as a vulnerable population the demographics of the homeless a personal awareness of the homeless including attitudes biases and stereotypes prior to studying homelessness the impact of research on personal attitudes after gathering knowledge about the homeless and how the knowledge might affect the delivery of In the United States statistics show an increase in the number of homeless people The National healthcare to the homeless Homeless Demographics Coalition for the Homeless 2008 stated A person is considered homeless who lacks a fixed regular and adequate night time residence and has a primary night time residency that is A a supervised publicly or privately operated shelter designed to provide temporary living accommodations B an institution that provides a temporary residence for individuals intended to be institutionalized or C a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings para 1 Approximately three and a half million people per year experience homelessness LAHSC Los Angeles Homeless Services Coalition 2008 Children under the age of 18 account for 39 of the homeless population and 42 are under the age of five LAHSC Los Angeles Homeless Services Coalition 2008 Women account for 43 of the homeless population with 40 being alone 22 claim domestic abuse as the reason for homelessness and 25 claim domestic violence in the past year LAHSC Los Angeles Homeless Services Coalition 2008 Approximately 33 of the homeless population is families with children LAHSC Los Angeles Homeless Services Coalition 2008 Veterans comprise approximately 40 of the homeless population LAHSC Los Angeles Homeless Services Coalition 2008 Approximately one in every five homeless person has a severe or persistent mental illness LAHSC Los Angeles Homeless Services Coalition 2008 Approximately 25 of the homeless nationwide are employed Approximately 42 of homeless people are African American 39 white 13 Hispanic 4 Native American and 2 Asian LAHSC Los Angeles Homeless Services Coalition 2008 Ethnicity varies depending on geographic location Personal Awareness of Homelessness Many stereotypes biases and attitudes towards the homeless exist I have stereotyped the homeless as those who do not wish to work substance abusers and those who make a choice to be homeless I believe that some of them made a choice in their life to remain homeless I do understand that becoming homeless most likely was not their idea Low income housing is available in most areas and I have a hard time understanding why people cannot work a part time job to help support themselves I have witnessed the homeless begging for money on the streets and panhandling They sometimes use this money to buy cigarettes or alcohol I believe that panhandling punishments should be enforced and that this is unsafe for the homeless One of my biased opinions is that many homeless people are substance abusers and not able to obtain low income housing help because they refuse to get help with their addictions Many addiction treatment programs are available to people with or without insurance coverage I have no violent thoughts against the homeless but they are at high risk for violent crimes because they are homeless Shelters and other agencies exist that will help the homeless with clothing food and a place to sleep but the problem may arise that some of these places will not take the homeless because of substance abuse problems or violent behaviors Impact of Research on Personal Attitudes Research is the scientific way to prove or disprove ideas After researching the homeless the impact that the research had on me was dramatic I have learned that the declining economy high costs of living substance abuse war and every day activities can lead to homelessness My attitude has changed in that I now believe that the homeless are susceptible to many types of abuse illness violence and misconceptions Some states have training for police officers on how to deal effectively and humanely with homeless people when they are the victims of crimes Homeless groups or individuals are susceptible to many illnesses because of poor living conditions unsanitary environments and inability to pay for food or medications According to Talukdar A Roy K Saha I Mitra J and Detels R 2008 The homeless in the United States and in other countries are considered to be at high risk for HIV because of their high risk sexual and drug use behaviors p 613 The homeless are also at risk for illnesses such as pneumonia bronchitis hepatitis blisters to their feet frostbite heat stroke and many other illnesses Hill 2008 stated These analyses reveal that the material troubles of the poor are exacerbated by other centered disdain or even hostility described as loss lack of familial friendship love that reduces their material quality of life They experience helplessly failing into greater poverty and become caught up in circumstances that set the course toward the giving up of many most of their assets The poor typically are aware of the events that signal such material demise but they are unable to improve their situations This combination of circumstances leads to consumption restrictions and meager possessions that impede their ability to meet basic needs p 80 Through research I have learned that the homeless have become completely detached from their families and loved ones which decreases their quality of life and their will to survive The homeless have no assets and most of them feel like they cannot get help or that they do not deserve help for their situation Research provides information on

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UOPX NUR 440 - Vulnerable Population and Self-Awareness Paper

Course: Nur 440-
Pages: 6
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