GLY1000 Study Guide 1 The magnitude of an earthquake can be determined from seismograph records The information needed to do this includes A the time of the quake B the frequency of the waves C the amplitude of the waves D the type of fault motion 2 S P wave time intervals can be used to determine the A distance to an epicenter B magnitude of a quake C the frequency of waves D both A and E none of the above 3 Gravity anomalies A is a german heavy metal band B occur during magnetic reversals C are strictly high values of gravity D can be related to crustal thickness 4 Earthquakes are caused by A the high strain rates associated with ductile deformation B the sudden release of elastic strain energy stored in rocks C abrupt changes in the geothermal gradient D the sudden breaking open of large rifts in the Earth s crust 5 Along convergent plate boundaries earthquake foci A are located along inclined zones with the deepest quakes nearest the trench B are located along inclined zones with the most shallow quakes nearest the trench C are all shallow D are all deep 6 Along oceanic ridges and continental rifts earthquake foci A are all deep 40OKm B are all shallow 100 KM C are located along inclined zones with the most shallow quakes nearest the ridge or rift center D are between 100 and 200 km deep 7 The October 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake in the San Franciso Oakland area was a A shallow quake B intermediate depth quake C deep quake 8 This 1989 quake had a magnitude of 7 0 The amount of energy released during this quake was less than that released in the magnitude 8 quake that struck Alaska in 1964 by a factor of GLY1000 Study Guide A 0 1 B 8 7 C 30 D 1000 E 2 9 ln the case of both earthquakes mentioned above the damage to buildings was greatest in areas A built on unconsolidated sediments B built on metamorphic rocks C built on high ground D built on low ground E with cable TV 10 Which of the following has not been considered evidence for continental drift A the apparent continuation of certain large structures such as the Appalachian mountain chain from one continent to another B the simultaneous with regard to geologic time occurrence in the fossil record on different continents of certain land animals C Rocks of the same age on different continents show the same history of magnetic reversals D the apparent good fit of the margins of continents on either side of the Atlantic Ocean 11 Which of the following mountain belts was not formed by continental collision A Andes B Appalachians C Himalayans D Urals 12 Devonian age 360 million years old volcanic rocks in Nova Scotia have magnetic inclinations between 0 and 6 degrees This might be interpreted to indicate that during the Devonian A the magnet field was very weak B Nova Scotia was closer to Europe C Nova Scotia was much closer to the north pole than it is now D Nova Scotia was much closer to the equator than it is now 13 In old mountain belts the suture or line that marks the boundary along which colliding continents became joined can be approximately located by careful study of certain geologic features Which of the following features are not useful for this A cross bedded sandstone B ophiolites C fossil assemblages D melanges GLY1000 Study Guide 14 The active ridges are the highest areas of the ocean basins because A They are the oldest B They are highly folded C They contain the thickest accumulation of sediments D They are the warmest E The crust there is basaltic and thus less dense 15 The age of the crust of ocean basin A increases with increasing distance from the ridges B decreases with increasing distance from the ridges C is everywhere older than continental crust D A and C 16 Subduction is a process by which oceanic crust and lithosphere is recycled into the asthenosphere This subduction always occurs along A oceanic ridges B oceanic trenches C transforms D Rifts 17 In which of the following materials is the velocity of P waves the greatest hint disregard differences in densities A clay B water C air D steel E rubber 18 In which of the materials above do P waves travel with the slowest velocity hint disregard differences in densities B water 19 Methods to monitor the buildup strain along earthquake generating faults is one attempt at forecasting These methods include A the use of strain meters B careful surveying across faults C measuring ground level D all of the above E none of the above 20 Evidence that the Earth s outer core is liquid i A The temperature is too high for solids to exist B The density is too low to be a solid C It is too compressible to be a solid D P wave velocities are too high GLY1000 Study Guide E S waves are not transmitted here 21 Which region of the Earth is the most rigid when subjected to rapidly applied stresses such asduring passage of S waves A atmosphere B upper mantle C crust D lower mantle 22 The significant difference between the lithosphere and the asthenosphere is mechanical behavior and this difference is due to a difference in A composition B age C temperature D water content 23 Earthquakes do not originate in the asthenosphere because A the asthenosphere yields to long term stress by flowing and can not accumulate elastic strain B the asthenosphere is too dense to transmit seismic waves C the asthenosphere is basically brittle and thus can not transmit shock waves D The Mg and Fe contents are too low For items 24 through 32 select one of the following regions of the Earth A crust B core C upper mantle 24 It contains the asthenosphere C 25 it is entirely within the lithosphere A 26 is believed to be the source of the Earth s magnetic field B 27 composed largely of peridotite C 28 source of diamond bearing kimberlites C 29 believed to be similar in composition to metallic Fe Ni meteorites B 30 lies above the mohorovicic discontinuity A 31 where rocks can retain a permanent magnetization B 32 where partial melting that produces basaltic magmas occurs C CRUST It is entirely within the lithosphere Lies above the mohorovicic discontinuity CORE Is believed to be the source of the Earth s magnetic field Where rocks can retain a permanent magnetization Believed to be similar in composition to metallic Fe Ni meteorites UPPER MANTLE It contains the asthenosphere Composed largely of peridotite Source of diamond bearing kimberlites Where partial melting that produces basaltic magmas occurs GLY1000 Study Guide For items 33 38 select one of the following geographic areas A Florida B Rocky
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