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GLY1000 The Dynamic Earth Answer Key for Exam 1 Test Bank Questions Part One Chapters 1 4 1 A Mars Mercury and Venus 2 C Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune 3 C The Milky Way 4 C Ice and dust 5 C Pluto has officially demoted from its former status as one of nine major planets in our solar system 6 A Earth was spherical round 7 D Galileo 8 C Sun was the center of the Earth s orbit 9 D Pluto and Eris are now both considered planets 10 D Wave wavelength frequency 11 A Expanding 12 B The Universe is considerably older than Earth 13 B 13 7 Ga ago 14 A Red shifted 15 A True 16 E A and C are both correct 17 D Large and hot 18 A Protostar 19 C Hydrogen and helium 20 B Very hot 21 B Denser 22 B Dipole such that produced by a bar magnet 23 B Becoming less dense 24 B Oort cloud 25 A Speed up 26 A Solar wind particles are directed toward the poles and excite atmospheric gases 27 D Both are composed of rock and ice 28 C Volatiles 29 C Organic materials 30 B Ocean plains 2 5 4 5 km below sea level 31 B Surficial freshwater the oceans groundwater and atmospheric water 32 C Iron 33 D Topography bathymetry 34 C Does not have atoms arranged in an orderly pattern 35 D None of the above are correct 36 B Granite 37 A And pressure both increasing 38 C Convection 39 D Inner core 40 D 7 to 70 km 41 C Core 42 B Radiation conduction 43 A Advection 44 B Crust upper mantle transition zone lower mantle liquid outer core solid inner core 45 A Considerably more dense 46 B The Moho 47 A Greater portion of silica 48 B Oceanic crust 49 A Chemistry mineral content degree of physical rigidity 50 C Cooler and less able to flow 51 D All of the above are correct 52 D All of the above are correct 53 D Cannot be directly proven 54 A Hess and Dietz 55 D Lower west coast of Africa east coast of North America 56 D Combined to form a supercontinent he termed Pangaea in the Late Paleozoic through the Mesozoic 57 A Can be used to infer the ancient climate of the Earth they are deposited in environments that are restricted to warm climate 58 A Africa 59 B Glossopteris 60 A Magnetite 61 D All of the above are correct 62 C 1 500 km 63 B False 64 B Magnetic declination 65 B False 66 B Guyots 67 C 200 million 68 D Military needs in WW2 69 B Gabbro basalt 70 C At the edges of ocean basins 71 C Had normal polarity 72 B Sea floor spreading rates are relatively rapid 73 A Mid ocean ridges 74 C Incorporates and explains both sea floor spreading and continental drift 75 C A continental coastline that coincides with a plate boundary 76 B Passive margins 77 B False 78 A Active margins 79 C Oceanic or continental lithosphere or a combination of both 80 B The presence of an earthquake belt 81 B Ocean trenches 82 A True 83 C Temperature the lithosphere is cooler than the asthenosphere 84 A True 85 D Initially less dense at the age of formation but eventually becomes more dense 86 A True 87 B Divergent plate boundaries 88 A Convergent 89 A Convergent 90 C 670 km 91 B Divergent 92 B An oceanic plate subducts beneath another oceanic plate 93 C Within a downgoing plate at a subduction zone 94 B False 95 A Hot spot volcanism 96 C An extinct oceanic hot spot volcano that has subsided below sea level 97 B Plates 98 C Within either continental or oceanic plates 99 B Collision and mountain formation 100 C The Basin and Range Province Himalayan Mountains Questions Part Two Chapters 4 8 1 B Ore minerals 2 F B and C are both correct 3 C Petroleum 4 D A fixed crystalline structure spatial arrangement of atoms and ions 5 A True 6 C Halite 7 B X ray diffraction 8 B False 9 C Does not have a fixed crystalline structure 10 B The crystals have abundant room to grow in their hollow surroundings 11 D The bank accounts of rock shop owners 12 B False 13 A True 14 B Electron proton nucleus atom 15 A Chloride is chlorine s anion 16 A Hydrogen bonds van der Waals bonds 17 D All of the above are correct 18 F None of the above are correct 19 B Precipitation precipitate 20 D Streak 21 C Luster 22 B Fracture 23 B The ability to resist being scratched by other substances 24 B Specific gravity 25 D None of the above are correct multiple properties must be used to diagnose a mineral 26 C Great specific gravity 27 B Conchoidal 28 C Talc 29 A Quartz 30 A Silicates 31 B Oxygen 32 B Chemistry specifically the anions within the chemical formula 33 C Pearls 34 C Exceptionally coarse grained 35 A Kimberlite 36 C is found beneath the Earth s surface whereas lava usually has felsic composition 37 C cool more slowly 38 C lavas magmas 39 D All of the above are correct 40 A True 41 C Water and Carbon Dioxide 42 C Melting due to heat transfer from rising magma 43 D Loss of volatiles to the atmosphere 44 B Decrease 45 C Be much hotter than at present 46 B More felsic than the original chemistry of the rock that was partially melted 47 B Mafic 48 C More felsic than the source rock 49 D All of the above are correct 50 A Move upward away from where it formed 51 A Increase 52 A More felsic 53 D Smaller pancake 54 D All of the above are factors 55 B More mafic than the magma 56 D Sheet like intrusion that cuts across preexisting layers 57 C Intrusion formed within the magma chamber of a volcano 58 B Pluton 59 D Sheet like intrusion that cuts across preexisting layers 60 C Extrusive high 61 A Pieces of surrounding country rock are broken off and assimilated 62 A Coarser grained 63 B Possess exceptionally coarse grains 64 A Olivine 65 A Porphyritic 66 B Plagioclase 67 D All of the above are correct 68 D Pyroclastic debris 69 C Welded tuff 70 D Rhyolite 71 B Glassy 72 C Tuff 73 A Intrusive igneous rocks 74 C Hawaii 75 B Mantle hot spots 76 A The Aleutian Islands of Alaska 77 C Rifting 78 A Flood basalts 79 C Weathering 80 B Erosion 81 C Organic 82 C Clastic 83 A Biochemical 84 B Dolostone 85 D Mineral composition 86 B Calcitic and aragonitic skeletons of marine invertebrates 87 D Warm wet 88 B Chemical 89 C Wind 90 D Possesses more rounded grains than breccia 91 D Arkose 92 C Velocity of the water at the moment of the sediment settled to the bottom …

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