Jamie Diamon s Big Pay Raise and the Minimum Wage Big pay raise from 11 million to 20 billion 9 billion raise 2008 he got bailed out in 2008 in 2012 Jamie Dimon JP Morgan CEO when Chase collapsed in 2008 the government bailed it out causing the blow up in dividends London Whale Trade JP Morgan lost 6 2 billion in 2012 Jamie Dimon said it wasn t a big deal he wasn t fired he got a pay raise because he was able to negotiate fine now he earns 20 million he is the head of JP Morgan Chase They lost the money trading dividends He said the collapse was a tempest in a tea pot later on admitted they were producing losses and exposing risk management problems David Paul was the head of SunTrust who failed in 1980 s and he got to jail for 10 years their entire savings alone was 6 2 billion they lost 200 million Charles Kidly Lincoln Savings loan the losses were 2 and a half JP Morgan stumped wall government officials 3rd degree felony McCain said that is misinformed investors The Compensation Committee said Dimon s raise was reasonable
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