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PAD3003 Final Exam Includes all the important underlined material from after the mid term exam and the in class worksheet with answers 3rd Quarter Mid Point Worksheet Mr T said almost all of these questions will FORSURE be on the exam Holzer and Schwester 2011 pointed out that the executive branch had no formal role in federal budget decisions until the passage of the Budget and Accounting Act in 1921 by President Warren G Harding According to Holzer and Schwester there are five types of taxes that governments utilize to gain revenue from its citizens According to the lecture the personal Income tax has produced the most revenue for the federal government from 1950 2010 In class we discussed various barriers to implementing total quality management TQM O Reilly 1978 talked about how distorting information can act as one of those barriers According to the author the people are often trying to protect themselves by doing this Three of the reasons provided by Holzer and Schwester 2011 that someone should consider when deciding whether to utilize surveys to evaluate a program include what Cost limitations Needing confirmation Physical limitations Miller et al 2005 work confirmed that fiscal stress mitigates ethical stress among financial executives According to Timney 1998 the portrayal of citizens as antagonist can be directly linked to their weak assigned role in the process Public Budgeting and Citizen Participation Week 9 What do the Office of Management and Budget OMB do Provides the following financial information to Congress 1 The amount of money the president is requesting for various federal agencies 2 The amount of money in taxes the federal government will collect in a fiscal year 3 Whether the federal government will have a deficit or surplus 4 The total amount of the deficit or surplus Describe the Executive budget Executive Prepared by leaders typically within the executive branch Examples include president governor county chairman mayor Executive budgets are more prevalent because with one main person making decisions they are more efficient Describe the legislative budget Legislative Prepared by a body of elected representatives Describe the operating budget Operating Short term year to year budget that plans how resources will be allocated for public programs Describe the capital budget Capital Long term plan that deals with financing projects that typically include infrastructure bridges buildings and quality of life projects such a sparks Traditionally from 1950 2010 this has been consistently where government gains most of its revenue Mitigate to lessen offset Exacerbate to intensify worsen Exacerbating factors Outside of the 13 if you know them what could some other mitigating factors be Having autonomy For CFO s The statistically significant factors affecting the level of external ethical pressure were Fiscal stress Supervisor s emphasis on politics in employee evaluations The mitigating factors Timely feedback Higher levels of education For RCFO s The statistically significant factor was fiscal stress The mitigating factor Adequate feedback Miller et al 2005 work confirmed Schmidt and Posner s 1986 work that the behavior of superiors was considered the factor the most influential on unethical behavior Miller et al 2005 work findings confirm past studies from Wittmer and Coursey 1996 that fiscal stress exacerbates ethical stress Timney found that Portrayal of citizens as obstructionists can be directly linked to their weak assigned role in the process Performance and Evaluation in the Public Sector Week 10 O Reilly 1978 The incorrect reproduction of good information resulting from either conscious or deliberate alteration or unconscious manipulation PEOPLE ARE OFTEN TRYING TO PROTECT THEMSELVES According to Holzer Schwester when should we use surveys Physical limitations Cost limitations Time limitations Needing confirmation Rossi Lipsey and Freeman 2004 identify 6 primary stakeholders Including Policymakers program sponsors evaluation sponsors program managers and practitioners program targets and other related stakeholders Weibel et al 2009 results Extrinsic motivation raises performance only slightly Pay for performance has a strong negative effect on intrinsic motivation and thus reduces the intention to deliver additional effort at work Collaborative Governance and Network Management in Democracy Week 11 Holzer and Schwester s three types of federalism Layer Cake Marble Cake Picket Fence States tend to favor BLOCK federal grants more than categorical due to the freedoms to decide what agencies and projects get funding Ansell and Gash 2007 said Identity crisis in defining what governance is Governance networks describe interactions stemming from new relationships between government organizations and other stakeholders Ansell and Gash 2007 also said Incentives to participate are low when stakeholders can achieve their goals unilaterally or through alternative means The possibility for effective collaboration may be seriously constrained by a lack of leadership McGuire and Silvia 2009 said the two types of leadership behaviors are consideration behaviors and initiating structure behaviors Activation is arguably the most important leadership behavior in collaborative leadership Public Administration and Social Equity Week 12 Frederickson 2005 Obligations 1 Administer the laws they work in a fair manner 2 Advance social equity by seeking to hire and advance a varied workforce 3 Provide moral leadership to citizens Justice fairness and equality have everything to do with public administration All of these intertwine Social equity is rooted in the idea that each person is equal and has inalienable rights Guy and McCandless 2002 Minnowbrook I Conference 1968 was a significant conference for social equity Took place in Minnowbrook New York in 1968 Facilitated by PA scholar Dwight Waldo Emphasis on four goals Relevance Value Equity Change Smith 2005 Sustainability Olympics concluded that major life events generate positive social effects but LITTLE EVIDENCE PROVES THAT THE EFFECTS ARE LONG LASTING Smith 2005 Residents who expressed a high level of attachment to their communities are more likely to view hosting a mega event as beneficial Smith Ultimately major events such as the Olympics have a poor record in terms of social sustainability They often involve the regeneration of communities instead of regeneration in communities Leadership in the Public Sector Week

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FSU PAD 3003 - Final Exam

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