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PAD3003 04 Final exam 4 23 5 30 7 30 pm HCB 216 study guide 10 True False and 20 Multiple choice questions Week8 Slide Intergovernmental Relations and Policies and Policy Types The order of succession of governments in the us is o Constitution itself o National government o State governments o Counties and parishes o Municipalities Difference between Layer Cake and Marble Cake o Dual or layer cake distinct from one another government as intertwined o Marble cake Picket Fence Federalism federalism represents government as layers that are separate and intergovernmental interaction and cooperation on many policies o Intergovernmental admin relationships among bureaucratic specialists and their clientele groups in the same substantive areas o Vertical function autocracies exercise considerable power over intergovernmental o Devolution process of transferring governmental authority from national governments programs Contemporary Federalism is leading to to state and local governments Eliminates one size fits all programs Intergovernmental Relations IGR o Defined as all the activities and interactions occurring between or among governmental units of all types and levels within the US federal system o Characterized by Functional alliances Struggle for control of functional alliances Forces for centralization against forces for decentralization Fiscal Mismatch is a weak economic bases from which to generate revenue definition o Differences in the capacities of various governments to raise revenues in relation to those governments respective abilities to pay for public services they are responsible for delivering Grants in Aid o Purposes of national grants in aid Establish minimum nationwide standards for programs Equalize resources among states Improve state and local program delivery Increase public services without enlarging scope of national government o Advantages in grant in aid programs Increases degree of concerted action on policy problems Allows minorities in states and localities to opportunities for national support for their policy preferences Useful for addressing nationwide problems Create positive externalities on a broader level Why doesn t congress draft and apply the rule o Delegation of drafting of rules to agencies Policies and Policy Types o Elements of policy Order of the policy stages Policy purpose Policy tools Policy target group Policy outcome o Policy Agenda o Policy Making Rational model Incremental model Garbage can model o Policy Implementation o Policy Evaluation Generates feedback o Distributive o Redistributive Subsidies o Regulatory Medicaid Medicare Policy Typology Week10 slide Public Performance Performance Management o Results driven decision budgetary allocation Productivity Law enforcement business and environmental regulation making that attempts to link goal achievement with o Measurable relationship between results produced and the resources required for production private sector Measures of productivity in the public sector not as simple as those in the o Performance reporting can influence the citizenry to care more about public workers Public Participation efforts to improve service delivery Types of performance indicators o Input indicators o Output indicators o Outcome indicators o Efficiency indicators Managerialism the private sector Professional management Managing by results Value for money Public choice economics o Entrepreneurial approach to the public sector that emphasizes management methods of o Public administration based on microeconomics theories that view the citizens as a consumer of government goods and services 6 Major Tenets o Productivity how govt can do more with less o Marketization o Service orientation to connect govt with citizens and improve customer satisfaction o Decentralization o Policy seek to improve govt capacities to create to implement and to administer with public services public policy o Accountability effort to make govt deliver on what it promises Improving performance accountability through entrepreneurialism are not likely to motivate public officials because poor performance leads to layoff regardless of their entrepreneurial efforts Demings 14 Tenets summed up include o All employees be aware about their mission o Constantly improve the production system o Use teams to pursue optimal achievement of company goals Reinventing government REGO movement affected NPR the strategies o Catalytic govt steer rather than row o Community owned govt o Competitive govt o Mission driven govt o Results oriented o Customer driven govt o Enterprising govt o Anticipatory govt o Decentralized govt o Market oriented govt Catalytic government o Steer rather than row Giving directions to the other entities delivering public services directly giving directions Rowing Steering Cut Red Tape o Streamline the budget making process o Decentralize personnel policy o Streamline procurement o Reorient the inspectors general o Eliminate regulatory overkill o Empower state and local governments Bush administration promote strategic management business like government Week 11 slide Program Evaluation Surveys Measure Why use surveys o Physical limitations o Cost limitations o Time limitations o Confirmation Advantages of written surveys o Cost competitiveness o Easy administration o Privacy protection o Practicality in analysis o Convenience in respondents Disadvantages of surveys o Limitations of incorporating the respondents answers o Uncertainty in collection amount and time o Biased results from participation of certain groups of respondents o Need sufficiently large number of surveys to make actual generalization o Complexity in designing objective survey questions Assessment of Program Theory and what it refers to o Refers to the conceptual design of a program How it is supposed to operate in a perfect world Types of Program Evaluations o Assessment of program process o Program impact assessment o Program efficiency assessment Ethical concerns protecting the subjects from harm o Obtain informed consent o Inform that participation is completely voluntary o Keep confidentially Week 12 slide Public Budgeting Budgetary decision making reflects society s clashing values o Revenue and expenditure decisions are among the most important and competitive functions of a government Future Oriented priorities from various alternatives Office of Management and Budget OMB Congress Purposes of Budgets o Projection of revenue and expenditure and

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