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PAD3003 02 Study Guide for the Midterm The study guide should be used to help focus on the big topics included on the exam The exam material is NOT limited by the concepts included here If we covered it in lecture or in the reading then it might be on the test Government Structure National State and local Elected vs Appointed through an election Bureaucracy Elected official is put in office through a campaign and election Appointed officials are selected by elected ones and do not have to pursue the position Is the structure within virtually all government organizations operate and is characteristic of large private concerns as well The concept of a bureaucracy is to ensure that goods and services can be produced or provided in the most efficient manner possible Jurisdictional boundaries hierarchical reliance on written documents expertly trained management the management of the organization subscribes to general rules which can be learned and applied uniformly more or less Image of a Bureaucrat Lazy inefficient pain in the ass Public Service Public Servant Image of Public Servant Embodies the ethical principles of the common good service to others and social equity Monetary gain and other external rewards are often not primarily significant instead those who enter public service do so out of a desire to serve the public interest Where individuals become stifled losing all sense of independence pride and initiative They seem to no longer care only to go through the motions only to count down the years until retirement Neutral Bureaucracy Ability to do the work of government expertly and to do it according to explicit objective standards rather than to personal or party or other obligations and loyalties Orthodox Perspective Politics Administration Dichotomy Goodnow Wilson According to Goodenow politics must have a certain control over administration using the words and the broad senses heretofore attributed to them The business of government is to organize the common interest against the special interest Distinction between thee functions of the politics and the administration of government noting that politics had to do with policies and the administration dealt with their execution of policies Wilson s Periods of national growth o Monarchical Rule or that of absolute rules and an administrative system adapted to absolute rule o That in which constitutions are framed to do away with absolute rulers and substitute popular control and in which administration is neglected for these higher concerns o That in which the sovereign people undertake to develop administration under this new constitution which has brought them into power Stories of Bad Bureaucracy Government Values Democratic Social Administrative Political Popular sovereignty Consent of the governed Checks and balances Separation of powers Federalism Judicial review Accountability Representation Responsiveness Accountability election process freedom of information laws Representation Responsiveness technical expertise how fast the government bureaucracy or administration responds to a problem in society Iron Triangle and Issue Networks Interest groups congressional committee agency Civil Service Reform Pendleton act United States is a federal law established in 1883 that stipulated that government jobs should be awarded on the basis of merit Classical neo classical humanizing eras of public management Scientific Management The Hawthorne Experiments by Mayo and Rothelisberger Workers are more productive when they feel they are payed attention to moreover that the workers needs extended well beyond economic considerations organizations are social institutions and the classical management theories proved inadequate for satisfactorily explaining organizational dynamics Taylor Scientific Management Gulick Urwick POSDCORB Weber Bureaucratic hierarchy Fayol Fayol POSDCORB Weber o Believed his principles of management were universal and applicable to any type of organization The most important among them are specialization unity of command scalar chain authority and unity of direction o Planning Organizing Staffing Directing Coordinating Reporting Budgeting o Hierarchy o Technical expertise o Merit based appointments Taylor s four principle o Adoption of laws and formulas determine the most efficient ways of completing o Studying the capabilities of workers tasks management o Fusing together of work procedures and specialized training Responsibility o Divide work in an equitable fashion between management and workers encouraging managers to apply scientific management principles to planning the work and the workers to perform the tasks allotted by the managers Simon Fact empirical investigation Waldo Value Simon o Classical management techniques must be tested o Descriptive summaries and best practice research are inadequate o Need for increasing empirics in order to enhance understanding of productive and efficient practices o Quasi scientific approach Waldo o Maintains that value free research undermines the inherent importance of morality and ethics o Efficiency is value neutral o Characterized by thinking and valuing Thinking implies creativeness free will Valuing implies morality Maslow Hierarchy of needs McGregor Theory X and Theory Y Parker Follett Effective Leadership Maslow o Self Actualization o Esteem Needs o Theory X the average person dislikes work and will avoid it if possible o Theory Y argues that work comes naturally to most people o Love Needs o Safety Needs o Physical Needs McGregor Parker Follet o Importance of leadership o Effective leadership Unify individuals Resolve conflicts Demand performance Delegate authority without dehumanizing an individual Brownlow Commission Fayol Urwick and Gulick s theoretical principles were put into action through the Committee on Administrative Management also called the Brownlow Commission Structural theory organic vs mechanic Mintzberg Structural Theory assumes that organizations are rational in that they function to accomplish specific goals and objectives For every organization there is believed to be a best Structure and organizational dysfunction can be corrected Mechanistic systems worker roles and responsibilities are clearly defined communication is formal and top down the organizational structure is hierarchical and the decision making processes are authoritative Emphasis on efficiently repeating procedures Organic systems better suited for environments where

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FSU PAD 3003 - Study Guide for the Midterm

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