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Vulnerable Populations in Current Events Smith Tingle and Twiss 2010 estimate in the year 2030 20 of all Americans will be elderly adults This is a vulnerable population that will have barriers including transportation mobility financial and medical As this vulnerable population continues to age they often find it difficult to ask for help which further increases the barriers they must overcome Defining a Vulnerable Population A vulnerable population is any group that has been identified by an epidemiologic or other study that classifies them at a higher risk than the general population from a specific or broad condition Oxford Reference Online 2011 Older adults are a vulnerable population because they face not only issues with their aging body but also issues with their mental and spiritual wellbeing These issues generate many barriers an older adult must face Barriers of a Vulnerable Population According to Smith et al 2010 it is important for community and local governments to acknowledge the aging population and provide age friendly services p 15 As society continues to have economic difficulties and the population continues to age there are a number of barriers older adults faces Many older adults are surviving on a fixed or limited income which can often make it difficult for them to afford their prescriptions or be able to visit a doctor This can put their health in a vulnerable state Another barrier older adults face is limited or impaired mobility Injuries from falls at home can have serious over all health consequences to older adults Another barrier for older adults is transportation Many older adults no longer have the abilities to drive safely or no longer have access to a vehicle According to Smith et Al 2010 without proper transportation in place communities will have a higher incidence of injuries and increased emergency response costs Life experiences with Vulnerable Persons My father is an older adult He is disabled from a motor vehicle accident that happened when I was very young I have spent the majority of my life taking care of him not only his physical issues but his mental and spiritual issues as well He has overcome many barriers but continues to be vulnerable which allows me to continue to learn how to help him Summary community p 17 As the population ages it is important to assess what vulnerabilities the older adult faces and address them to improve the quality of life According to Smith et al 2010 if older adults are provided with the needed support the can contribute to the well being of their References J L 2011 Oxford Reference Online A Dictionary of Public Health Retrieved from http www oxfordreference com views ENTRY html subview Main entry t235 e4754 Smith C Tingle H Twiss J 2010 Aging Populations How local governments can plan strategically for aging in place Public Management 14 19 Retrieved from http icma org pm

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UOPX NUR 440 - Vulnerable Populations in Current Events

Course: Nur 440-
Pages: 3
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