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IMPROVING CULTURAL AWARENESS Introduction People of Latin American origin have to cope up with many opposing situations here That is why it is necessary to find out what problems these people face In order to provide them with sufficient facilities to gain quality health these have to be evaluated carefully In the present display of some slides we are going to come across some of these problems and at the same time we will try to see how these can be tackled effectively Population Group Feature The 2010 US Census reveals that 16 of the American population is from Hispanic or Latin American origin In 2000 US Census the percentage was 13 So these people are increasing year by year In fact in the US population this ethnicity has grown most among all other ethnicities if we look at last 10 years of statistics Health Hazards Compared to the remaining US population the Latino people get affected by some chronic illnesses much more Women of this group of population suffer more from health conditions than men Financial hardship and lack of access to right healthcare facilities are the main grounds Among the chronic health problems diabetes cardiac problem and arthritis are foremost Aspects of Environmental or Societal Risk Financial Stress Healthcare Expense Emigrated People Authorized vs Transport Facility Without Driving Inadequate Communication Language Unlawful License Barrier Prototype of Cultural Awareness Developing an understanding of ethnic and social beliefs ideals and traditions disturbing the healthcare access by the Latino or Hispanic people Sharing of cultural experiences related to taking care of the patients of the particular group to increase the efficiency of nursing Establishment of a feeling of being in the same group can enhance the understanding of the culture Employing the Cultural Awareness Prototype to Hispanic Patients Acknowledge value and then use the cultural knowledge of Hispanic population to provide healthcare facilities Nurses need to be educated in Hispanic tradition Sharing of nursing experience can benefit all the colleagues as anyone may have insight into a particular type of problem of offering healthcare services to the Hispanic groups Initial Policy Raise participation of Latinos in the nursing and healthcare areas Raise more prospect of education Employment and reserve plans Awareness programs at high schools Development of mentoring Second Step Raise awareness of culture of non Latino nursing specialist Arrange Workshops Seminars Teach language proficiency Help from interpreters or similar service Raising comprehension of variation among cultures Core Hindrance Insufficient entry to healthcare facilities Problem with document filling Transport problem Monetary problem Insufficient or no insurance coverage Inability to see how American system works Secondary Hindrances Language Incompetency and differences in cultural ideals and traditions Many Latinos are inefficient in speaking reading or writing English Most healthcare givers have different cultures of their own Latinos have different conceptions about illness and its roots and cures Healthcare employees may not understand Latino belief system and traditions Healthy People 2020 Policy Conscious communities can accommodate healthy citizens Identifying Main Health marker Implementation of plans Categorize Objectives Mission and Dream Identify Major Areas for Discussion Watson s Theory Overview Jean Watson Her Transpersonal Nursing Theory Expected change in patients Medical caritas procedure REFERENCES Andrews M M Boyle J S 1997 August Competence in transcultural nursing care The American Journal of Nursing 97 8 pp 16AAA 16BBB 16DDD Cooper M Grywalski M Lamp J Newhouse L Studlien R 2007 Enhancing cultural competence a model for nurses Nursing For Women s Health 11 2 148 159 De Chesnay M Anderson B A Eds 2008 Caring for the vulnerable Perspectives in nursing theory practice and research 2nd ed Sudbury MA Jones and Bartlett Friedman M M Bowden V R Jones E G 2003 Cultural Diversity Among Families Family Nursing Research Theory and Practice 5th ed Upper Saddle River NJ Prentice Hall George J B 2011 Theory of transpersonal caring Jean Watson Nursing theories The base for professional nursing practice 6th ed Pp 454 478 Upper Saddle River NJ Pearson Health United States 2010 2011 February Retrieved December 10 2011 from Centers for Disease Control http www cdc gov nchs data hus hus10 pdf 60 REFERENCES Holland L Courtney R 1998 Increasing cultural competence with the Latino Community Journal of Community Health Nursing 15 1 pp 45 53 Siman F M 2009 March April Cross cultural issues and health care advocacy for immigrants in North Carolina North Carolina Medical Journal 70 2 pp 149 152 The Hispanic Population 2010 2011 May Retrieved December 10 2011 from United States Census 2010 http www census gov prod cen2010 briefs c2010br 04 pdf Wells M I 2000 Winter Beyond cultural competence A model for individual and institutional cultural development Journal of Community Health Nursing 17 4 pp 189 199 Zambrana R E Carter Pokras O 2004 Latino health and behavior December 15 Encyclopedia of Health and Behavior Retrieved 2011 from http sage ereference com view behavior n143 xm

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